Cardboard Testimonies

My friend Shara sent me a link to the video below. Wow! I don't know if I'm just an emotional wreck this week or what, but it really moved me.

I have to constantly remind myself to not judge people because you never know what they've gone through. We're doing a Women's Bible study on "Becoming a Vessel" and one of the chapters deals with judgement and how we should never be critical of anyone who is walking in the path of God. We have NO idea where they've been, how long they've been on the journey, or how long it took them to get there. Even people that we think have it all planned out and are so perfect... you just never know what hurt lies in their past. You never know what people are going through or what they've been through.

Anyway, most of you have probably seen it, but if you haven't, it's really worth watching.


Amy said…
Oh my gosh I saw this the other day and I bawled my eyes out through the entire thing! My kids thought their mama had lost it!;0) I LOVE seeing God's work!!! Amazing! Amy
TracyC said…
By the end I was crying. Wowzer! That's powerful.
Anonymous said…
I was crying by the end. Very moving!
Anonymous said…
Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.

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