Hero Holiday (Nikki)

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, then you've seen me post a few thoughts on Nikki - a college student up in Canada who I absolutely adore. She has a heart of gold!

Nikki's the one who designed my blog and who runs "Blogs for a Cause" as a way to fundraise money for several different charities, and as a way to pay for her volunteer trips to the Dominican Republic.

Well, I'm happy to say that after a whole year of fundraising, she raised all the funds necessary to return to the DR and arrived a few days ago. She'll be there for a month volunteering at various special needs orphanages and helping to build houses and schools.

You can check out her blog while she's there (she updates frequently) at http://www.heroholiday07.blogspot.com/.

I'm so proud of you, Nikki!


Anonymous said…
I think your $ store items are great!Any teacher would be envious and shour run right over there and buys stuff for her/his room.

Love the idea of the fine motor thing with the bugs.Another thing my daycare kids liked to do was use tongs and transfer cottonballs,pingpong balls, etc.from one container to another.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of Noah dressed up as Aslan.He is so cute.Hey,did you see America's Got Talent" last Tuesday night.There was a little boy on there with Autism who did not speak until he was 4 years old and the bus driver told her one day "Your son sings all the way to school" and after that he just took off with his singing.He is now 9 but is very small for his age and sang the most precious song and the judges voted for him to go on to Vegas for the next step in the show.

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