Introducing Nandini

It's occurred to me that I haven't formally introduced Nandini to anyone. Those of you who see me in person know about her, but there are some of you who are reading this that have no idea that we're in the process of our third adoption.

If you know me in real life, you know that 5 minutes can't pass by without me dropping her name in to the conversation. It's kind of like when you were younger and had a crush on someone and you managed to sneak their name into every conversation just because the mere sound of the name was so thrilling - even if it had absolutely nothing to do with the subject being talked about. Do you know what I mean?
Nuclear Physics? Well, did you know so-and-so took physics last semester?
The Greenhouse Effect? So-and-so's favorite color is green.
Slight lull in conversation at the dinner table? What a perfect opportunity to bring up so-and-so's name!
Do you remember those days?

Well, that's what I'm doing with Nandini. I have the annoying ability to name-drop her into every conversation that I'm part of..... and those that I'm not a part of, too (oops!)

It's just I am so unbelievably excited that I can hardly think of anything else. And if I'm not name-dropping Nandini, then I'm name-dropping Noah and Eli. So please forgive me. I'm just giddy with joy. I cannot believe I'm going to have a little girl. I am just exuberantly bursting with excitement... and I will tell anyone within earshot how excited I am. I'm sure you all know that very well by now.

Anyway, I realized that I've never formally introduced Nandini to anyone. So let me proudly introduce you to my soon-to-be daughter. She will be three at the end of October and lives in an orphanage in Pune, India. She has some special needs, but seems to really be thriving. A family is in India right now with their little girl and they emailed us and said that Nandini

".. came across as so high-functioning... a spirited, confident, spunky gal. Your family will be blessed with her as an addition to it."
They also managed to get some video of her, so we should be getting that soon. And there's another family that's travelling on the 14th and they're going to take pictures, too. We can't wait!
We are still waiting for guardianship, which might take another two months. Then it'll take two months for the passport and visa. So, if everything is on time, then we should be travelling at the beginning of December. The courts are overwhelmed right now, though, so there could be a delay. I keep telling myself that it's all in God's timing, but I have to admit that I'm getting really anxious. I can't wait to go and bring her home.
If you get the chance, check out . It's the website of the family that is in India right now. They are an amazing couple. It's pretty neat because the wife is from the U.S., the husband is from England, and they have two little boys - one who was adopted from Liberia - and now they are adopting a 4 year old little girl from Pune. Hmmmm.... English husband, American wife, two little boys, and a little girl from Pune. Sound like anyone you know??? :-) It turns out they used to live in Van. Can you believe it? How cool it would have been if they were still there. They used to work for Mercy Ships, but have now moved up to north to work for Justice for Children International. They are so inspiring. Anyway, if you get the chance, check out their blog message from Saturday, August 4th. And don't worry. You won't get sucked into reading another blog. They do maintain a family website, but the blog is only temporary - just to let family and friends know how things are going on their trip. I think they're going to post one more time once they arrive home tomorrow and that's it.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Noah's Mom (and Eli's mom) (and Nandini's mom)


Anonymous said…
Leslie....Oh My Goodness!!! She is absolutely adorable!!! I cannot wait to see her in person! Congratulations, and we will pray that she will be home in time for Christmas!
Recovering Noah said…
Thanks, Julie! I agree...She's sooo cute! :-)
We have to take video of our family and house this week to send to the orphanage (and get our house cleaned for Lifegroup!), so we're sorting our her bedroom this weekend. I've been collecting dolls and toys and clothes all summer - it's been so much fun.

Let me know how the Co-op meeting goes if you get a chance!

Michael Cooper said…
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Michael Cooper said…
Hey Leslie, this is Michael Cooper. I just wanted to say that you and your family has been a blessing to me. The first time I saw you in church, I watched you hold Noah and the love that you showed him. It really touched my heart.
Recovering Noah said…
Ah, Michael, thank you so much! That is so nice to hear.
I have to tell you, I remember the first time we went to Cornerstone. It was when you were talking about going to GFA and to India and we were so blown away by you. I remember when we left, I turned to Sim and told him that I wanted my boys to grow up to be like that. I am so impressed that you have put your life in God's hands - and I can't wait to see where He takes you.
We're praying for you as you head to GFA this week!
Buddy said…
God has a wonderful plan through everything. We are praying for Nandini and all the details surrounding the adoption. We are so thankful that the Lord has brought your family into our lives.
Cherie said…
We so enjoyed being in your home tonight. You have a wonderful family and your home is so family made us all feel so welcomed and comfortable!
Nandini is a cutie-pie! Laurel talks about the adoption all the time and how she wants to help you with Noah when Nandini arrives. Noah has touched her heart.
You can sure that I will be praying concerning the 21st!
Your quiver is filling up!

Psalm 127
Recovering Noah said…
Thanks Buddy and Cherie! We had a good time, too. Eli is dying for everyone to come back over. That was the first thing out of his mouth this morning!
Also, thanks for the prayers for Nandini. We are praying that everything will happen before the judge leaves, but we know it's in God's hands and His timing. So... maybe I need to pray for patience! :-)
Give Miss Abbie a big birthday hug from us!
Anonymous said…
We had a great time too, Leslie! We especially enjoyed meeting your husband. Thanks for putting up with my son's version of "Hong Kong Phooey" throughout the night! LOL Looking forward to next week,


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