I've been tagged

So, Dreama and Buddy both tagged me. I'll play along.

The rules of Tag are:

Each person posts the rules before their list, then list 8 things about themselves. At the end of the post that person tags and links to 8 other people and visits those people's spaces and comments letting them know that they have been tagged, and to come and read the post, so they know what they have to do. Eight things about me:

1. I have a twin brother
2. I have always dreamed of being in the Peace Corps
3. When I was growing up, I wanted to be an Ear Doctor
4. I chose my major by flipping a coin during my junior year of college
5. Nothing tastes better than my mom's chicken and dumplings
6. I was vegan for many, many years. ( #5 shows that that's no longer the case)
7. My favorite band is u2 - and has been for the last 20 years
8. I eat all the popcorn jelly beans out of a mixed back of Jelly Bellys
9. My mom still cuts my hair in the middle of her kitchen floor
10. I still eat Ramen Noodles about 3 times a week

Oh, an #11.... everyone I know who has a blog has already been tagged. Guess that's what comes from living in a small town. :-) But it was fun playing.

Noah's Mom


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