Our First Day of Homeschool

Yesterday was our first day of homeschooling. Well, it was actually our second b/c I had a trial run on Saturday - just in case, I failed, you know. There's nothing like the pressure of having to educate a 3 and 5 year old. lol.

Seriously, though, I couldn't sleep. I kept having heart palpitations. I spent hours getting ready and getting prepared.

It was all over in 35 minutes.

How did that happen??? The readings, the songs, the crafts.... all over in 35 minutes. So, the kids may not have learned a thing, but I learned a lot.

Here's a list of things I learned during my first day of homeschooling...

1. Toddlers have the attention span of a flea. There is no point spending an hour and a half designing a game for a 3 year old (or should I say... MY 3 year old) when his attention span doesn't span for more than a minute.

2. Some kids (i.e. MY kids) are unable to tell the difference between shaving cream and whip cream. Before you decide to get all crafty and have your kids practice writing numbers in shaving cream... TELL them beforehand that it is not edible.

3. Eli has zero interest in learning numbers. "Writing numbers in shaving cream" turned into.... "Look, T-Rex! Snow!!!!"

4. Plastic dinosaurs can be washed in the dishwasher.

5. Tell Noah that he cannot eat finger paint.

6. Tell Noah that he cannot eat hand sanitizer.

7. Tell Noah that he cannot eat soap bubbles.

8. Make sure Noah is full before we start doing crafts.

9. Hearing "Is it lunch time?" for the 2,013th time will drive a person crazy.

10. A sure fire way to get Eli to practice counting is by telling him that he can have as many mini-marshmallows as he can count....

Did you know he can count to 167?

Just kidding. He didn't make it past 11 (thank goodness!), but he's determined to learn.

11. There is nothing morally wrong with bribing your children. :-)

Wow. I learned a lot didn't I? What's that saying... Everything I every wanted to know I learned in Homeschool? lol

Noah's Mom


Dreama said…
Even the most well laid plans can sometimes take a detour! LOL!!! I spent many times last year in tears, so did Amanda. It's wonderful to read this post, you have a fantastic sense of humor!!!! We had our 2nd day today but we didn't get to play with shaving cream. God bless you!
Anonymous said…
LOL. That was great! We're still trying to truck along, but it IS hard with a 5 and 3 year old.

I didn't think of shaving cream stuff...thanks for the idea! (And I'll be sure to do it right AFTER lunch ;)

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