Noah hates Indian food

Okay, it's official. My little Indian boy hates Indian food. Either that or it's my cooking. Although I think I know the answer to that one, I choose to believe that his genetic make up is better suited to hamburgers, french fries, and ice cream sandwiches. (If only he could have them!)

Noah has allergies or sensitivities to sooooo many foods. He's not meant to have anything with gluten, dairy, soy, peanuts, corn, potatoes, tomatoes pork, or chicken. That leaves almond butter, eggs, rice, quinoa, millet, lamb, turkey, beef, green vegetables, some other veggies, agave nectar and fruit. Sounds bad, but I know some kids who have it a lot worse, so we're lucky that we can pick from more than 5 foods. Problem is, he doesn't eat hardly anything. We sometimes cheat just so that he'll eat - but he's a smart little fellow and I think he sometimes holds out until we give in. But we always see a reaction whenever we cheat, so I'm trying my best to cut out all of the foods that make him sick.

I made Indian food last night and he refused to touch it. Eli, on the other hand - who thinks high fructose corn syrup is part of the food triangle - asked for seconds. We ended up giving Noah a rice cake with almond butter last night. Just now, I made lamb burgers with onions, garlic, squash, egg, and parsnips all cooked and mixed to make patties. I made Bombay potatoes & chickpeas and then green peas. Noah's just sitting there waiting for me to give in and fix him something else. I have a feeling I may post an update at 2:00 in the morning and he'll still be sitting at the table holding out. And it actually tastes pretty good. I'm quite proud of myself!

We went to Dr. Foley's today and I brought some foods with me to test on Noah. Noah's not sleeping again and I was wondering if he's developed new food allergies that are making him hyper and unable to sleep. Remember that post the other day about Noah going to bed by 8:45? Well, he was up at 3:00 in the morning and spent the next 4 1/2 hours turning circles in the middle of the living room and shrieking. Last night, he didn't fall asleep until 12:30.

So... I brought all the food in and you couldn't tell what the food was because I had each one wrapped up in brown parchment paper. He tested fine on everything - but showed a reaction to rice cakes. That's what I've been giving him every night! No wonder he can't sleep. He's pretty much been eating 1 or 2 rice cakes a day for the last two years. Apparantely, your body can develop reactions to something that it's been given over and over again. Sounds strange, but I'm going to give it a try and give up the rice cakes for a few days. I really hope this works!

Tamara also asked us to give Noah melatonin at night and we need to start doing the QRS at night, too. Hopefully this will all help.

Hey, I wanted to mention that we had the best foot bath ever today! The water turned dark, dark brown with a green tint on the bottom. And there were LOADS of metals floating about. It seems that his liver and gall bladder were detoxing today. We collected it all and we're sending it off to Doctors Data to run some tests on it to see exactly what's coming out. Can't wait to get the results. I hope they're good!

P.S. No signs of Nicole and Keith yet! haha. Actually, I haven't seen any country music stars out here. They all live about 10 - 15 minutes from me, but I guess they don't hang out at garages sales and thrift stores. :-)

P.S.S. Noah finally ate his supper! It took a few hours, but I guess he realized that he would just have to sit there until he ate it - and he did! He ate everything except for the peas. Good enough for me!

Take care,
Noah's Mom


Anonymous said…
You are doing such a great job Leslie!!! I can't believe Noah ate the food he didn't want. Jayden would have just gone hungry. I had a dream last night that Noah came up to me and gave me the longest hug. It was great.
We did the foot bath a couple of days ago. It had a bunch of brown residue and a few dark specks floating. When I smeared them with Q tips they were green. ??? It is very interesting what comes out.

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