Our first week of therapy

Wow, I can't believe we've been here for a week and I've only posted once. I have to admit, I had all these grand ideas of posting reports every night, but truthfully, I'm so tired by the time the boys fall asleep that I just crawl into bed. It's 10:30 as I write this and they're STILL up. Noah gets so exhausted by his therapies - which end around 5:00 or 5:30 that he falls asleep in the car on the way home. We've learned that if he takes a nap then he doesn't sleep at night. He only slept for an hour today, but he's already too wired to sleep. I'm sure our apartment neighbors just love us!

We completed our first week of therapy. Where to begin?? It's going to sound so strange to everyone who's new to this. From my last post, you know that Noah was reacting to the electric wires outside our apartment. The Q link did help, but I think the power was too strong and he started reacting again. We also found out that they cleaned our carpets right before we moved in, so we think he was reacting to that, too. So, Tamara came over and put in something called Stetzer Filters (www.electricalpollution.com) into our outlets to help neutralize the currents. Then, Felicia, Tamara's cleaning lady, came over and cleaned the apartment with natural cleaners and the apartment complex let us borrow a tornado fan to help get the air circulating in the apartment. Before this, Noah was sleeping maybe 4-5 hours a night. After Felicia cleaned and Tamara put the filters in, Noah slept 12 hours that night!! Oh man, it was awesome.

I have to stress that I'm not a salesman for these stetzer filters. I've never even heard of them until this week, but it's worth looking into. When we moved in, we noticed that we couldn't get our cell phone to work in the apartment. It only had one bar and had too much static. I think it's a big problem because around 9:00 at night, you can see everyone out on their balcony talking on the cell phone. Anyway, we now get perfect reception! It's still only at one bar, but I can walk anywhere in the apartment and talk and hear clear as a bell. This happened right after we plugged in the stetzer filters. Pretty cool, huh? I mean, if the electricity in the apartment was causing so much static that a cell phone wouldn't work... imagine what that was doing to Noah?

We saw Dr. Foley 3x this week. He is amazing. He's a chiropracter who does BRT. I can't really explain BRT and do it justice, but it's all about muscle testing and clearing allergies and sensitivities. You can read more at www.bodyrt.com .
I was certain that Noah was reacting to pesticides and that the apartment had sprayed the place. But he came up fine when we tested him. We called the complex and they said they hadn't sprayed our apartment in two months. His testing showed that he was having a reaction to chlorine though. Guess what? I had forgotten our chlorine ball back home. We always put in the bath when the boys bathe and it neutralizes the chlorine in the water. Guess what else? For two years, Noah had been wearing these special (and expensive!) chlorine-free diapers. Regular diapers use chlorine to bleach them. That's why they're nice and white. We had started putting Noah in regular pull-ups about 2 months ago to help potty train him. Well, the potty training didn't work and it looks like he developed an allergy to the chlorine. Dr. Foley had no prior knowledge of these changes. Isn't that weird? So we treated him for chlorine and he's back to wearing the Seventh Generation diapers.

There's so many things going on with his treatments, but I don't want to overwhelm everyone. I know it must sound so strange when compared to regular medicine. But this is working for so many kids and it's the only thing that's really helped Noah.

Yesterday, I met a mom at the practice who has 2 kids on the autism spectrum - ages 6 and 8. They just finished 15 sessions out of 40 and both boys have words now. Isn't that great? They're 6 and 8 and just said their first words! That gives me so much hope for Noah. We should finish 15 sessions in 4 more weeks. I'm so hoping that he has words by then. I'm hoping so much that I think my heart is actually hurting. I just love the kid so much. I'm crazy about him. (And Eli, too, of course!)

Well, I hope I'll be more diligent with my posts. I think I can get a lot more information posted if I write after each session. I may bore you all to tears, but it'll be a good online diary to look back on.

Take care and have a good weekend,

Noah's Mom


Anonymous said…
Hi Leslie-
I just love the updates- thanks for sending the link to the group! I am glad you all arrived safely.

That is so awesome that Tamara's team was able to come in and use the filters to get Noah to sleep better. Simply amazing! Can't wait to hear of more good things to come!

Take it easy- I will be checking Noah's blog on a regular basis- you did a great job with it.
Anonymous said…
I'm praying for you and Noah! Sounds like you all have alot going on.
I like your site, Mawmaw sent me the link. :-)
Love y'all!
Anonymous said…
Love the website. You did a great job. We will be praying for you and Noah. B&D

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