Let's Give This Another Try

Wow. Let's see if I can do this again. This whole blogging thing.

It was really nice taking a month-long break from it. The truth is blogging doesn't really take up a lot of my time. It's all the stuff done after I blog that takes up my time.

Like, "Oooh! Let me check my email and see if anyone's left a comment!"

or "Oooh! Let's see what everyone's blogging about today!"

or "Oooh! I wonder what Ralph Macchio is up to these days. Let's Wikipedia him!"

And then that turns into "Hey, whatever happened to that new Karate Kid movie they were gonna make? The one with Will Smith's son. Or was it his daughter? Okay, it's gonna bug me if I don't find out. Let's google it!" And on and on and so it goes.

But another reason that I think I needed to take a rest was because I just didn't know what direction to take with my blog. It just felt so strange coming back from India and blogging about trivial things. Like driving an hour and a half to the nearest Target to get the new Limited Edition Orange Creme Hershey Kisses. (And let me just say that I did happen to go to Target and totally bypassed them thanks to Alicia Silverstone and her new recipe book that is totally changing my life. Score one for me!).

And I felt odd one minute posting about India and how it changed my life and then turning around and blogging about the 30 Day Shred and how it actually totally shredded my knee and I had to use a cane for a few days until I could walk properly again. (Did ya'll know that I was off and on a cane for a good part of my early 20's? The doctors said it was Lupus, but fortunately I haven't had a flareup in ages, so who knows). And I could've come on here and blogged about the fact that I had no idea there was a muscle in my behind underneath all that fat... but there is... and it sure made itself known when it wouldn't let me sit down on it for about two days thanks to that darn exercise video.

Jillian Michaels, you slay me.

But see? How can you blog about stuff like that when you just came back from an overseas trip that changed your life? When you just experienced poverty and orphans and when you've just seen God's face in the eyes of 84 children.

And, of course, then I started to get paranoid that people were actually sick and tired of hearing me talk about India. And then my delusions even got me to thinking what if some poor frat boy accidentally stumbled upon my blog and decided to invent a drinking game based on all the times I mention the word "India" in one blog post.

So, for the safety and college careers of frat boys everywhere, I decided to take a break.

But this last month has been a really good time for reflection. I'm not sure what direction this blog will take... I know it's gone through a ton of changes. First, it was all about Noah & Autism. Then it was about Nandi & Eli. Then it was about Eli's issues. Then Noah & Anoop & American Idol & The Clefhangers. Then it was Nandi's RAD... which just about drove me insane. Then it was India... and interspersed between all of that was my own rants & raves & ramblings & thoughts & observations & little diddies here and there that amused me.

And, who knows, it may just resume exactly how it was. It just, I don't know, seemed appropriate to take a bit of a break. To spend time with my family. To break my Wikipedia addiction. To regroup. To let some time pass. To have my nervous breakdown and time of self-reflection privately and not on the internet. Oh, and to catch up on all the episodes of Modern Family that I've missed on Hulu.

Why, oh why, are they airing it opposite of American Idol? Why??!!

So, anyway, this is me dipping my toe back into the blogging waters. I don't know if I'll blog again tomorrow or if it'll be next week or even a month from now.

But I think I'm ready to try.


Lisa said…
Glad you're back. Missed you.
GB's Mom said…
Good to see you back!
Kristi W. said…
I am also glad you are back! I owe you a message, too. I have some more questions for you. :) My blogging career has also gone a bit south, for many of the same reasons you mentioned. Finally I just decided to blog when I felt like it and forget it when I didn't. I'm sure I don't have any readers left but I've decided I don't really care about that now either! I know it will revive again when I go to India this Sept. Then the Frat boys will be playing their games with my blog! Ha!! :)
paul-and-lori said…
It's funny, but I think you could blog about just about anything and I would enjoy! I just love the way you write!!
Glad to see another post!
Anonymous said…
Oooooh, I missed you!

PS. Christine PROMISED to bring you to Orlando next year. She swore a blood oath. So, you're coming! YAY!

welcome back! :) I tink it will maybe be just about you and te tings tat touc your life! Wic is really wat it as been all along!

big hugs,
Anonymous said…
Glad you're back! Guess I'm one of those "lurkers"! I don't have a blog, but love to read others'. I've enjoyed reading your blogs...doesn't matter what it is. Thanks for sharing with us!
Mom 4 Kids said…
Glad you're back! Doesn't matter what it is about, we love to hear you think!
Shara said…
Whatever you decide to blog about.. I've missed reading your "stuff". I need to call you soon... Thinking about sending C to school next year. Long story, but I know you will understand.
Sneha V said…
Yay for being back!

You know - I spent my spring break in Greenville, SC volunteering at an after-school program for kids who either came from a 1 parent home, no parent home, broken home, etc. And I totally understand what yo mean about everything just seeming absolutely trivial in comparison.

It's rough.

But I am glad your back. :]
Sarah said…
Well, I just have to say that I love hearing about India, and I'm not creating any drinking games as a result. Of course, my college days are about 15 years past now!

Of course, now you've got me wondering about Ralph Macchio...

Chantelle said…
I totally hear ya. Once you've had one of those "experiences" everything else seems so pitiful by comparison... and yet that's life. Life does 'go on'. We don't want it to, but it does. I felt that way after my 1st (and 2nd) trips to India. India changes you like no other place I've ever been. -- Anyway, I think you could quote the phonebook and it would crack me up, bring a smile, brighten my day... so pleeeeeeeeeease keep sharing. I don't care WHAT direction your blog takes, just as long as it keeps on tickin'. :) It's okay to sometimes be light and sometimes be heavy. That's REAL. (((hug)))
Bronwyn said…
Totally get what you are saying! I have only blogged twice this month for similar reasons. I end up staying up way too late and when I get on the computer during the day I am depriving someone of the attention they need.
I am glad you have decided to continue blogging when you have the time and about whatever you are feeling like sharing. I love to read what you have to say!
Jane said…
Sweet; I just did 5 shots!!!
Honestly Leslie; We here are blessed by your wit and humor. Take care of you and know we're here when you choose to disclose : )
(Happy World Autism Awareness Day on Friday!)
Anonymous said…
That is the thing I love the most about blogging...it is an extension of you. It is art and beauty, and it is what you make it. Read this message when you get back and keep on blogging about...WHATEVER...beautiful family btw.
yellowgirl said…
welcome back. how IS noah, by the way?
Hey Leslie! Just stopped by to say hi and see what you have been up to. It looks like you have been busy! Are you on facebook? I seem to spend more time there than anywhere else. If you are, look me up...Jennifer Cullimore.

Hugs to all of you!

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