Earwax, Eczema, and other Matters

Noah's at it again. This time he went to sleep at 11:00 and was up by 4:00. Have no idea what's going on in that little body of is - but I try to remember that it's not his fault. He's yawning like crazy, but his is flapping and spinning circles - and takes breaks to yawn. He just can't help it. I'm sure we'll find the answer to all of this in the next few months and am just trying to keep the faith right now.

We did have some exciting developments last week. First of all... drum roll... Noah hasn't had steroids in a week. Woo hoo! He is still itching, but I think it's more from detoxing. The itch he had back home was more environmental - like allergies and air, etc. He doesn't itch near as much hear. Thank goodness! We still have to lather him up with all sorts of things, though. Right now, we put on Jason's Organic Vitamin E oil (45,000 IU), AminoCare cream, Keys Eye Butter, and Keys RediCare Healing Therapy Spray - which basically all leaves him looking like an oil slick and smelling like a citronella candle. At least I don't have to worry about mosquitos getting him! :-)

It's kind of funny because I have a hard time spending $10 on moisturizer for myself, but I've got the whole fountain of youth sitting in my kitchen cabinets that I'm using on my 4 year old. Man, if I were to use all this stuff on myself, I'd look 16 again.

So the good news is that the eczema seems to be getting a bit better. I am just SO glad that we *might* get to stop the steroids. I'm not sure how long we can go without them, but this is the longest we've gone since the beginning of May. We've noticed more metals coming out in his footbaths since we stopped the steroids. I think they were just hampering his progress b/c they basically suppress everything. Now, maybe we can continue to move forward.

Another thing is that Noah is finally starting to purge the build up of earwax that he's had for at the least the last 4 years. He had massive build up at his 12 month checkup and we suppose he had the same blockage in India. Anyway, we've never been able to get it out. It's bugged me for 4 years. We finally started using some homeopathic drops in his ears (Similasan Ear Wax Relief, which you can actually get at Walmart), and we started doing the QRS in his ears.. well, wouldn't you know on Thursday we were at Dr. Foley's and I looked in Noah's ear and stuff was practically oozing out. (Hope none of you are eating). It was so gross that it was kind of cool. The weirdest part is that when we saw Dr. Foley for our initial work up two weeks ago, he detected fungus in Noah's body but couldn't tell where it was coming from. He checked all of Noah's organs and nothing showed up. Well, when he saw what was happening to Noah's ear, he rechecked the fungus and it showed up in his middle ear. Isn't that wild? So, I got out as much as I could, but could still see that there was loads in there. When we got to Tamara's, we looked again and could just see it deep in his ear canal. I kid you not, within 15 minutes, it had worked it's way up and out of his canal. 4 years worth! I've never seen anything like it. It was so digusting. I saved it. I did! I'm going to break it back to Texas with me to show Simeon. And... this was all from his left ear. The right ear is still blocked. Who knows what will happen when that comes out.

The main thing is that we think Noah's body is starting to purge itself from the toxins that it's held onto for so many years. This doesn't mean that he's going to recover in the next 3 months, but hopefully he will be able to get rid of so much stuff and start to heal. I just wish we hadn't used those steroids for 3 months. My fear is that it's going to take these 3 months just to repair his body from overusing the steroids. I'm really excited about getting back to the therapy this week and seeing what happens. His footbaths are becoming nothing short of amazing. I wonder if I can post pictures to this blog. I'll try to take a picture of it this week and post it. I'll be sure to post a warning so that everyone can finish their breakfast or whatever before looking at it. :-)

Well, I'm very excited about the start of a brand new week. We found a church in Nashville last week that has a program for children with special needs. We're going again today. There are three other children with autism, but they are really high functioning. Makes me realize how much we need to work with Noah. The good thing is that they all understand autism, so they don't mind if Noah needs to get up and run around or if he has to have something in his hands to fiddle with during the lesson. It's just such a relief to be able to go to church again. My dilema was always "Do I put Noah in a 4-5 year old class or do I put him in a 1 year old class?". He's 4 years old, but around 1 year old developmentally. And while I hate segregating him from other children, a special needs class seems to be the most appropriate right now. We can work on his attending skills and work with him on being able to sit in a circle and listen to a lesson - and everyone understands. So that's really good.

It's 6:00 o'clock now and the sun is up. I'm going to put a video on for Noah and start preparing for lunch so that we'll have something to eat after church. I am trying so hard to stick to the Blood-Type diet (Noah's type B), but cooking everything from scratch is killing me. You have to be soooo organized - which is not a trait that I was born with. Autism is basically forcing me to learn how to cook, clean with baking soda, learn old-time folk remedies, and become extremely organized. But I'm throwing in the towel if I have to start sewing homemade organic cotton clothing by hand. :-)

Have a good week!
Noah's Mom


Anonymous said…
Hi Leslie, Noah and Eli...glad to hear you are making progress in some areas. Don't you love those ear drops you mentioned. They were recommended to us by the kids doctor and we have all been using them for several years. For future ear aches...try the pain relife ones also. They numb the pain temporarily. Their doctor also recommended using a few drops of peroxide in each ear regularly. Just drop a few drops in and leave the head tilted for about 10 seconds, then drain. For you, leave it until you can no longer hear the bubbles, it is also amazing cleaning!

Hang in there! Jeanie

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