
I'm thankful that I never have to worry about drinking clean water.

I'm thankful that if I'm hot, I can walk inside my air-conditioned house.

If I'm tired, I can climb into my bed.

If I'm hungry, I can walk to my fridge or get into my car and drive 5 minutes to the store.

I'm thankful that my children have opportunities in this country - a hope and a future.

I'm thankful that I live in a country that allowed me to bring my children into this country.

I'm thankful for teachers who care about my kids and I'm thankful I live in a state that gives me the freedom to choose how to school my children.

I'm thankful I've never had to give up a child simply because he was born with a deformity.

I'm thankful for living for where I live.

I'm thankful for Scottish Rite Hospital and doctors and therapists who donate their time to helping children reach their potential.

I'm thankful my parents live near me and that I still have both of my parents.

I'm thankful I was able to know all 4 of my grandparents and have a wonderful step-grandma who loves my children as her own.

I'm thankful for kids who have blessed me immensely and who have changed me for the better.

I'm thankful for my husband who moved away from his own family so that I could live near mine and who works 11 hours days in a job he doesn't particularly like because he wants to support his family.

I'm thankful that as a 37 year old wife and mother that I have the opportunity to go back to school next summer ... because it's something that is denied to so many women around the world.

And I'm thankful for living in a country that has so many diverse cultures and races and beliefs... because even though I may not agree with all of them, I am lucky to live in a country that allows them.

May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!



Anonymous said…
Love your true! We just got back from the Heritage Farms place. It's pretty cool, but LOTS of people. We should plan a trip on a weekday. Hope you are all doing well!
Amy said…
AMEN! Beautiful!!! love you my sweet friend!

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