Ever Have One of Those Weeks???

Well, it's been a truly frustrating week. One of my kids has a birthday today and the week leading up to it has been awful. We really turned a corner in the last few months, but this week... whoa, did we slide back down the hill. Good grief. There's been peeing in the bed for the last 4 days and today, birthday day, was greeted with pee soaked sheets and two "accidentally" turned over bowls of cereal at the breakfast table.

Happy Birthday!

Actually, this is not the birthday post. I'll do a proper one later. Things really had been going great. About 90% better and we were so proud of our little RADling. It's just amazing how things like birthday and holidays can cause regression.

In other news from the week of H-E-double hockey sticks, we pulled Eli out of school and then stuck his little bottom right back in two days later. That deserves an entire blog post dedicated to just that. Someday. What I can say is that I've been played. Played hard. It's a scary thing to realize that you live with a master manipulater. He's a sweet, wonderful little boy, but has some definite "mom" issues.

He seriously DOES have some issues that warrant him having 1:1 educational instruction. But at this point in time, I just can't do it. It was an awful week and I'll blog about it later.

And the worst part of the week was that I was having such a terrible week PLUS PMS'ing and couldn't turn to my usual comfort foods: chocolate, coffee, anything dripping with butter and cream, and my mom's chicken and dumplings. Okay, I did have a bowl or two or three of my mom's chicken and dumplings but ended up paying for it for 3 days.

Just. Not. Worth. It.

I do feel better eating cleaner and have lost 13 pounds, but good grief... trying to get through PMS week without chocolate?? That's insane.

I'm living on the edge, ladies and gentleman. Lock up your chocolate bars. I can't be held responsible for what might happen if you eat a Reese's in front of me.


Lisa said…
Waving my hands in the air.....I hear you loud and clear.....

So hoping since we celebrated J's birthday early that we bypass this particular rollercoaster this year.
I'm whispering....can you tell?
Mom 4 Kids said…
PMS and no chocolate?! I think this should be illegal, it's dangerous lady! Seriously hoping that next week is a better week for you.

For us gotcha week is a hard time. Miss M went completely bonky that week this past Sept and finished the week up with a mega rage in the Wal-Mart parking lot. So yeah that's totally on the security footage. Great!

Sorry to hear you got played too. That always sucks! BIG HUGS!
Anonymous said…
Happy Monday, Leslie- I hope this new week will be better!
13 pounds? Let me know how you did that,Im already afraid Ill never get rid of my baby-fat!!!
Anonymous said…
Ups,when posting as anonymous, maybe I should at least sign ;-) Geri
Holly said…
Oh girl. Wow.
Big hugs.
I am seriously interested in the "diet" your doc has prescribed for you. I have figured out trigger foods the hard way but no Doc has ever suggested that changing my diet would help my umm...issues.
More hugs,
ps- when are you leaving for India?
Anonymous said…
Having one of those weeks now. Feel ya!

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