I'm So Excited

And I just can't hide it.

I'm about to lose control

And you know what?

I think I like it.

Yep, there's something major happening that's causing me to break out into the Pointer Sisters in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon.

I'm finally on a schedule.

Now, if your first thought upon reading that is that my bowel movements are finally moving regularly... well then 1) You're either my grandpa's age 2) You're a nurse or 3) You're a mom to a child with special needs... 'cuz you know we all have Phd's in Poopology.

But no, that's not it. I mean, thanks for caring and all, but I'm referring to something completely else.

(But if you ever have any questions about poop, I'm your girl.)

No, I'm excited because I'm on the other kind of schedule. You know, a regular routine. Like, where you get up at a certain time of day, put on real clothes and don't try to pass off your pajama bottoms as yoga pants, actually brush your teeth for the entire 2 minutes, and, who knows, even jump in the shower... and shave.

THANK YOU Public School. Thank you for forcing me to get up, get dressed, and brush my teeth in the morning. Thank you for putting me on a much-needed routine.

It has saved my sanity.

Seriously, I don't know how I've managed these last seven years. I look back and feel like I was just freefalling the entire time. I had no idea that I was such a creature of habit, but looking back on my full-time working days... man, I had it down pat!

Laundry was always done. The table was cleared and the dishes were washed. Things worked like clockwork. Somehow, I managed to work 10 hours a day and still have an awesome, clean house.

But these last 7 years.... pffht. Life's been a mess.

A few months ago, my parents moved into their house and it has dark wood floors. They started offering my kids a penny for each clump of dog hair that they could find and pick up - courtesy of their shedding yellow lab.

I was just praying that one of them didn't pipe up and say, "What?? You mean we're supposed to pick up that stuff?"

Not that I have a house, a couch, and the passenger side of my minivan covered in dog hair.

Nope, nooooo experience in that.


Point is... I've been wandering around lost for the last 7 years and have finally started feeling like ME again.

Me, Leslie. Organized Leslie. Go-getter Leslie. Leslie who gets a lot accomplished. Leslie, who is actually a very cool person if you can look aside all the emotional crap I've been blogging about since last Spring.

Me. I'm getting back to me.

I have to get up at 5:30 to get everything ready for the morning. Take the kids to school. Then I come back and work diligently with Noah before heading back to Pre-K to pick up Nandi. Then more work, a little break, and off to pick up Eli. Then it's homework, supper, baths, reading, and bed.

Bam. I'm on a schedule. Noah's getting the attention he needs. The other two are loving being around other kids all day. The house is getting decluttered and cleaned. Proper supper's are being made.... and by proper, I mean something that doesn't require me to vent an aluminum cover and set on high for 5 minutes.

Ya'll, I'm even putting the toilet paper on that little toilet paper holder thingy and not just setting it on top of the empty roll.

Now, is that a great day in America or what?

It's awesome.

I'm on a schedule.

Oh, and my bowels are doing just great, too, thanks. ;-)


C said…
Ohhhhh, I know what you mean. I SO know what you mean!

We start with school stuff next week. I LOVE IT. Sure, we homeschool, and we all sit on top of each other in two tiny trailers ... but structure is glorious. I hate it ... but I love it.

Ya' know?
:)De said…
Very funny! Congrats on your schedule and keep up the good work with the bowel thing. LOL!
Shara said…
Awesome! You're going to have a great year!
Anonymous said…
YAY! I'm so glad it's working for you!

I can't decide if I like it or not. I miss sleeping late. Why on earth does school have to start at 8:00? Our old school started at 9. This is not even human. The kids are home at 2:30, it's not even time to feed them supper and put them to bed yet! Crap!

On the other hand, 4/5 of them are gone all day, and the other one has not "earned the privilege" of doing schoolwork yet. (Long, long story, coming soon to a blog near you.)
hydra12 said…
Congrats, sis! We're trying to get on a schedule. It goes something like this: get up at 5:15 so I can get a shower and have my quiet time. Get Jess up around 5:40 so she can be dressed before Raylen gets here. Open the door for Raylen at 6:00 when his parents drop him off on their way to work. Leave Beth getting herself and Alaina ready by 6:20 so I can drop Raylen off for 7th grade football practice at 6:30, then drop Jess off for 7th grade volleyball at 6:45 in a different town. Go back home to help finish getting Alaina ready, see everyone out the door by 7:15, and then go to work.

OK, I guess we have a schedule, I'm just not used to it yet. :-(
Lisa said…
I am so glad for you!!

I have to admit, when I saw your title "I'm so excited" on my dashboard, I immediately started singing the song, not even knowing you started your post like that! LOL Then I had a flashback to a Saved by the Bell episode when Jessie was becoming addicted to caffeine pills, i think, and she kept singing that song. LOL Sorry, long day. Glad for you and all your kiddos that things are working out.
Recovering Noah said…
Christine - structure IS glorious. They need to come up with a hymn about it or something. ;-)

De - thank you very much. I'll be sure to post if I need to start taking Benefiber or anythong in a similar category. heehee

Shara- hope things are going well with your new public schooler!

Corey, I know. Couldn't school start around, oh, I don't know, noon or something? I am extremely sleep deprived and overcaffeinated... but the peace and quiet is awesome!

Mark, you tired me out just reading that. Dude, that is some fierce morning schedule you've got going on. You need a solo vacation - just to catch up on sleep.

Lisa - my fellow Saved By The Bell-er - that cracked me up. Perhaps it's really the many cups of coffee (that I had successfully given up but fell back into recently) that made me break out into the Pointer Sisters. Maybe I was channeling my inner Jessie?? lol
sarah bess said…
you're so hilarious! I think my Shayna is going to grow up to be just like you.

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