Idols Live Pictures (aka: Noah Meets Anoop!)

In case you haven't read my other post , Noah got to meet Anoop last Thursday when the American Idol tour came through Dallas.

In no particular order, here are some pictures from the concert and from the meet and greet after the show.

P.S. Don't let Noah's nonchalantness in the pictures fool you. He was exhausted by the time the concert finished. He may not be reacting in the pictures, but his reaction during the concert said it all. He had the time of his life!!!!

Thanks again, Anoop and Mike for setting this up for us!!


Shara said…
Omg, I am so happy for y'all but so stinkin' jealous that Noah got a hug from Danny Gokey! lol I'm sure y'all had a BLAST!!
Anonymous said…
I am so happy for ya'll. I am not up on American Idol because I don't watch it.. But if Noah loves "anoop" and actually got to meet him.. how AWESOME IS THAT... Way to go Anoop and Noah.
Love Steph
The Johnson's said…
Aww...That's so awesome! I love the picture of Noah and Danny...but then again Danny was my favorite(sorry Noah)!
Amy said…
OH I AM SO EXCITED for you guys! WOO HOO Noah! Way to go sweet boy!!! LOVED all of the pictures (especially Danny and Chris!!) Couldn't have happened to sweeter and more deserving people. LOVE YOU GUYS and so thrilled you got to do this! :0)))
Emily <3 said…
This is truly amazing.
Makes me love Anoop even more.
Anonymous said…
So COOL that Noah got to meet Anoop.How neat that Anoop made such a special time for Noah! You look gorgeous.Noah is as cute as ever and is getting SO big! Again,so happy for God to bless you all with this special time.
Mom 4 Kids said…
WOW! What an amazing experience! Hooray for Noah! You are an awesome Mom!!!
Pam said…
THAT.IS.AWESOME. I love hearing things like things. It's so great how they treated Noah and just loved him that way. I was bawling when you described Noah writing a letter to Anoop. *sniff sniff* that is awesome
Momma to Micah from isrc
Lorax said…
Wow, that's amazing. My son, Adam, has mild autism and has really responded to Adam Lambert. Funny, Huh? He loves that they share a name and both wear nail polish (yes, I let my son wear nail polish - as a mom of a child with autism I'm sure you understand the funny quirks!)

How did you get Noah to be able to meet "his" Idol? I wish that I could let little Adam see Adam Lambert - he would be so happy.
Recovering Noah said…
Thanks for the sweet comments, everyone!

Erin and Amy (aka "The Danny Fans" - lol), Danny was super sweet. Just knelt down and swung his arm around Noah.

Meg, one of Anoop's friends got in contact with us several months ago after seeing the youtube videos of Noah reacting to Anoop on American Idol. (We had videotaped most of Anoop's performances and Noah's reaction and then put them on the blog). Anyway, we kept in touch off and on... and he and Anoop arranged for Noah to get tickets to the concert and passes to the Meet and Greet and Afterparty.

Adam seems really nice and I know he has a HUGE fanbase. If you get on some of his fan forum boards, I'm sure you could find out more about how to get meet and greet passes at one of the concerts. Also, he'll know doubt be a star, so I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to meet him at some time.

Oh, and I totally laughed about the nail polish. Yes, we autism moms do develop the attitude of, "hey, as long as they're happy"... :-)
Lisa said…
How great! Looks like he had a great time! Everyone did. How did the movie go? I have been meaning to ask, but didn't know if you wanted to 'go there' since you hadn't mentioned it. Just wondering and hoping all went well there too. Hugs.
J.Baker said…
Aside from how incredible it is that all of this happened for Noah, the fact that you made me cry like a baby, and that I am so happy that you were blessed with such a moment with that all moms cherish, when for a brief moment, we are affirmed by our children, that to them we are truly blessed and truly loved...aside from all that...I have to say, my girls were cracking up at your video blog when, about 10+ minutes into it you said "ok, I'm going to keep this short!" Loved it!! We want more video blogs:)
Anonymous said…
Aw, this is amazing. I bet Noah had a great time meeting the contestants especially Anoop! Btw, you're such an awesome mom.
Anonymous said…
soooooooooooooooooo cooooooooooooollllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holly said…
That is so awesome. Wow. Nice eyeshadow Adam. Hmmm. We liked Anoop cause he's from NC!
Kelly said…
Isn't it AWESOME when people step up and do something so kind to our kids who are a little bit outside of the norm. I am always pleasantly surprised by what people will do when they find out about someone else's dreams. Way to go Anoop. I'm so glad Noah hung in there until the end. Keep blogging.
Linze Kate said…
This is so cool! I'm so happy for y'all!!!

I took my sister (also has autism) to her first concert a few years ago, and JUST took her to her to her second - David Archuleta a little while ago.... It's great to have those opportunities to give to them!

I'm happy for y'all!

P.S. About the motorcycle... They scare me too - I am all for the "No Highway" rule - haha!

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