My name is Forever Mommy. I'm from Planet Mom.

Shh, it's me. Can you tell? Two of my kids we're having some troubles, so I decided it was time for a daily visit from Forever Mommy from Planet Mom. My younger two have very active imaginations.... so I thought that they might be able to relate to me more if I were to join them in their fantasy world. So I decided to don my cape, tie on my mask, grab a fairy wand, and throw on a beret.

The beret really doesn't have anything to do with the costume, but my alter ego likes to think that she's French and really sophisticated, polished, and able to eat all the Nutella she wants without having massive elephant thighs.

Like I said... pure fantasy.

Anyway, Forever Mommy is always there for her kids. She will never leave them and she will always protect them from dragons (bad people and bad things). She talks in silly voices and relates to her children. She plays with them and slays all the dragons with her magic wand. She also does silly dances and gives her babies jelly beans and m&m's when they do unexpected things - like when they show manners by saying "yes ma'm" or "no sir" and "please" and "thank you". She never raises her voice and she encourages her children to put on their happy shiny invisible yellow suits every morning and shows them how to blow their "yuckies" into pretend black balloons and let them float all the way to the sky. (Thanks Lisa for the cool ideas).

Forever Mommy rocks.

Leslie Mommy? She pretty much sucks. At the end of the day, Leslie Mommy is tired, pooped, and plain worn out. She vegges in front of the T.V. watching The Bachelorette and Wipe Out and spends her evenings with her boyfriend, Mr. Google.

She also has an annoying habit of referring to herself in third person.

Maddening, isn't it?

No, seriously. I am not one of those moms who gets down on the floor and plays. I am, however, one of those moms who would gladly spend a day building replicas of Egyptian pyramids with sugar cubes and plotting the timeline of all the kings and queens of England.

Man, I love stuff like that!

4 and 5 year olds? They don't care about that. Mine want me to play dinosaurs and hotwheels and throw pretend birthday parties for their stuffed animals. I am way too anal and research oriented to have preschoolers. It's pretty pathetic.

BUT... I'm currently reading Playful Parenting... and it's totally opening my eyes to how important play is to our kids. And it really stresses how important it is in terms of facilitating attachment.

It's helping me to rediscover my inner kid. It's helping me realize that it's okay - that's it's necessary - for me to be silly and playful... and that I can use play as a way of bonding with my kids.

So that's how Forever Mommy... from Planet Mom was born.

Eli LOVES her. Nandi HATES her. Eli loves her because she plays dinosaurs and dragons with him and protects him from the Evil Sister Dragon who bites and kicks and wants to kill him. (He also informed me that the dragon's mom is dead and left him and his sister and now they're all alone. Helllloooooooooo... can you say abandonment issues?) Nandi hates Forever Mommy because she doesn't yell or smart off and she never loses her temper and she's really loving and likes to give lots and lots of kisses.

Nandi tried to stab Forever Mommy with a pretend sword 8 times today. In the butt.

Fortunately, Forever Mommy, like Leslie Mommy, has a lot of padding back there. So she was safe.

But... good grief!

Anyway, I really do recommend the book. I haven't read all of it, but it really did help me realize that I need to be more playful with my kids. And it's really working with Eli. Even Noah had a bemused look on his face when he saw me in costume.

Nandi? We'll see what happens. If I can keep my invisible shiny happy yellow suit on and not blow it by letting her passive aggressiveness (or just plain aggressiveness!) get to me, then I think we might turn a corner. It may be a little corner, but a corner nonetheless.

Now.. if you'll excuse me, Leslie Mommy needs to get back to The Bachelorette.


Taylor said…
go forever mommy!!! i'm praying for you!
TracyC said…
Brilliant! Absolutely 100% brilliant. What else would Forever Mommy come up with but pure perfection!

Boy, Forever Daughter must be scared to death. Who could resist something this powerful????? :-)
C said…
Christine Mommy told the kids we were saving the last two pieces of apple pie for Dad, who returns tomorrow night.

Yeah, whatever. Put them to bed and scarfed down those puppies.

"Does Forever Mommy put out regularly for Forever Daddy? With sexy lingerie and high heels?" asks Forever Christine in her no-longer-white tank and paint-stained shorts, donning various unshaved bodily areas and teeth which went all day without a brushing.

Diagram THAT sentence.
Sneha V said…

I absolutely love forever mommy.
I absolutely love you for coming up with such creative ideas for your kids!

Haha, really though.
This is great.
Where can I get a forever mommy instead of current "WHY ARE YOU LEAVING ME?" mommy??


Ps. I was joking bout my mum. I love her. :]
Anonymous said…
This was a really great post, Leslie...You've given me lots to think about! Esp. the part about how useful play is in bonding....

Lisa H.
sarah bess said…
i like you so much!! you're hilarious. i can relate to being Research Woman who would rather build salt dough maps than sit on the floor and jump Barbies around. but i suppose some of that is needed.
Lisa said…
ROTF!!! Love it! Love it! Love it!

Fabulous stuff, Leslie!

That Christine woman sure cracks me up too.

Going now to check out the book. I need me some of that!
Recovering Noah said…
Ah, Christine. Really? Christine Mommy LIED to her children in order to scarf down two slices of apple pie? Leslie Mommy would NEVER do that! (She says as she polishes off the rest of the hidden Toblerone...)

Regarding your last question...Leslie Mommy encourages all of her chldren to explore their creative sides via dress-up, so.... there is a wide range of costumes available. Simeon Daddy just loves it when Leslie Mommy dresses up like Sully from Monster's Inc or Alien Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. (Kidding!!!! Or am I.....?)
Recovering Noah said…
Sarah, is it wrong that my heart skipped a beat when you mentioned salt dough maps?

I'm such a nerd. lol
TracyC said…
Leslie--pssst...come here...secret...I created this whole unit study on the 1930s: feedsack dresses, price comparison, picture books, first hand accounts, diorama of the dust bowl. I was in heaven. Uhm...the 3,5,7 and 8 yr olds...not so much. Want to come over and play?
Recovering Noah said…
Oh, Tracy. You are speaking my language. Let's go on a date and talk unit plans over coffee. :-)

You are offering that as an ebook on Ebay, right?? Please tell me it's so.

I'm dying to do The Prairie Primer with my kids, but I know that unless it involves dinosaurs then they won't be interested. Am currently pondering how I can incorporate velociraptors and Laura Ingalls into the same lesson plan. Nellie Olsen was as vicious as a velociraptor? Might work...
Shara said…
You are SO the coolest mom in the world!!! You're kids are beyond blessed to have you as their mother.
Hannah said…
Oh, Leslie...:) I am trying so hard not to laugh loudly right now (at work you know). I love to be playful with my little guy, he is soooo fun to play with, but I am still figuring out how to be appropriately playful with Gabe.

YAY salt dough maps! :)


Jane said…
Oh Leslie, I pray for the day when we can clone you and have Forever Mommy's running amuck.
Perhaps Forever Mum can entice Nandi to slay the evil Wes from the Bachelorette.
Anonymous said…
Go Leslie!! You left your book here and it looks like you came out of the pit anyway...
Mom 4 Kids said…
What an amazing idea - alter ego! You are awesome Forever Mommy!
Chantelle said…
Oh man, I (virtually) RAN to amazon to order that book. More and more I see how DESPERATELY I need to LIGHTEN UP. I am sooo the same. Love to research and hate to play dinosaurs. I like to make charts and have deep discussions about consequences for actions... while my kids nodd off.

You and Tracy inspire the socks off me!
Tia said…
What a wonderful idea! We get a lot of "now and always?" things here; perhaps I need a Now and Always Alter Ego!

Anonymous said…
oooooh oooooooooooh i want an alter ego too!!!!!
you go are right on the money!!

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