Praise Report

This one is actually about Noah.

We've been driving to Dallas 2x a week for a new therapy that we're doing. And, of course, our lame insurance refused to pay for it. 3-hour RT, twice a week, at $75 a pop for a 30 minute session.

It adds up quickly.

Anyway, I called their office today and cancelled our remaining scheduled appointments because we couldn't afford it anymore. It broke my heart to do this because we have truly seen some great changes in Noah since we started. But we didn't have a choice.

Twenty minutes later, they called back. They'd just gotten the mail in and there was a letter from our insurance company. They AGREED to pay for the therapy.

Ya'll, you don't understand. I fight with our insurance over everything. Maybe they decided to cover it because they realized it'd help - or maybe they decided that they didn't want to spend another summer dealing with Leslie-Noah's-Mom. I don't know. But they're covering it. This means we can continue to take Noah and, God willing, he'll continue to get better.

Whoo hoo! I wish you could see the happy dance I'm doing over here. Okay, well maybe not. Because it does slightly resemble Elaine's from Seinfeld. (Hey, I never said I was talented.)

BUT... I do have a huge great grin on my face. This is the best news we've gotten in ages. Praise God!


C said…
Oh my cow, oh my cow, OH MY COW!!!
Anonymous said…
HALLELUJAH. God is good.
TracyC said…
Wahoo! And people don't believe there is a God. Happy, happy, joy, joy.
Hannah said…
Praise God indeed! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!
julie said…
Awesome!! God is soooooo Awesome!!! We're smiling with you :)
stacyw said…
Praise the Lord...Oh my soul...and all that is within me...You dance and I will sing!
Kelly said…
EXCELLENT! I understand the fight for therapies that benefit our kids. It is one of the worst to have to put up with because you know it benefits them. I'm so glad this worked out for your family.
Mom 4 Kids said…
We are grinning out here in FL on your behalf!!! Great news!!!
Anonymous said…
That is wonderful,,, Stephanie Gurley
The Johnson's said…
Wohoo!! Yay for the insurance company FINALLY pulling through. Give Noah Bear a hug for me!!
Shara said…
I am rejoicing with you!!
Jane said…
Amazing. Simply thrilled for you and yours!
Linze Kate said…
I'm glad to hear things are great with Noah and your family!

It's been awhile since I have read on here, but every time I just love it cause your writing is so REAL, ad down-to-earth.

Good luck with everything! God bless - which he does! :)
Leslie said…
Awesome! What a wonderful blessing!
John said…
This is truly great news Leslie. Praise God.

BTW: I enjoyed my chat with you and Simeon at the park tonight.
Sneha V said…
YAY for you & Noah! :)
Chantelle said…
2 words... WOO WEE!!!!

(And I loved the trip down memory lane to Elaine's dance!) HA!
Amy said…
YEAH! Doing the happy dance here for you!!! (Aren't you glad you don't have to see it??) LOL Miss you guys!! Amy
Wendy said…
Have you been watching Sanjaya on 'I'm a Celebrity, Get me Out of here?" He is doing so wonderfully and I am so proud of him!!! What a decent, caring, awesome person he is in real life. He might be the youngest person competing, but he is much more mature than a lot of the others!!!

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