She finally hit 25 pounds!

We mailed in Nandini's latest report to our adoption agency yesterday. In the 7 months since she's been home, she's gained 3.8 pounds and grown 3.8 inches. How weird & cool is that?

She now tips the scales at 25.8 pounds. Still a skinny minny, but not too shabby for a child who only lives off shrimp, tomatoes, jelly sandwiches, and turnip greens.

She's also 38.8 inches. That REALLY surprised us. She seems so little. And two of those inches have been in the last month!! Her dresses all hit well above the knee now.

And while we're at it, I decided to weigh the boys. Eli is now 40.8 pounds. I honestly never thought I'd live to see the day when one of my children hit 40 pounds. Truly never thought it was gonna happen. And Noah is 37.8 pounds. Now THAT is something to do a happy dance over. He weighed 24 pounds from the time he was 18 months old until the month before he turned 4. (He was really sick during that time). And now, he's 37.8 pounds. Granted, that's still tiny for a 6 1/2 year old, but considering that he's the heighth of a 4 year old, it's not too bad.

Now, out of curiousity, Sim and I stepped on the scales. I won't even go there... but will say that Sim is now swearing off the Grande Burrito at Braum's.
Tee hee.


Amy said…
Yeah- the big 25!!! LOL Amy

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