In Memory of Marcail

Four years ago, my friend Tammy lost her little girl, Marcail. It was very sudden and unexpected - and I will never, ever forget receiving the call from her husband, John.

Marcail was a beautiful little girl. She was adopted from Kolkata, India - from the same orphanage that Noah was from, and she had been home for just six short months. That's the same time that Nandini's been home, and I can't even imagine losing her. It's unthinkable.

Tammy was so incredibly in love with Marcail. I've never seen a happier family....

On Saturday, Tammy sent out this letter in memory of Marcail and it included a really beautiful and sweet slideshow. With her permission, she's letting me post it here...

Today marks 4 years that we lost our angel. I wanted to do something special for her and have worked on this for sometime for today.

Marcail is the most beautiful child I have ever held in my arms. There was something special about her that when you held her you knew you were given a gift. Her eyes seen your soul and her smile melted your heart. She brought a peacefulness when in her presence and brightness to any room she entered.

When I took her shopping, I would have to allow extra time as strangers would come up to see her. She never seemed afraid of them and always let them touch her hand or cheek. When they turned to go, they left with a smile on their face.

Her head was the perfect size to fit into my shoulder and would let you hold her for hours. Every evening she would sit beside her Daddy while he read the paper patiently waiting. She had a habit of peeking around the corner before entering a room, especially if she had one of her brother's toys. On the back of her headstone, we have an angel looking over the edge of a cloud dropping 4 hearts down to earth.

Marcail LOVED her fingernail and toenails painted and loved having lip gloss put on. But one of the favorite things she enjoyed most was watching Finding Nemo. She would watch the entire movie everyday.

Zackery was 10.5 months older than Marcail and his side-kick. They loved each other more than words can ever describe. They would have graduated from kindergarten together this year. When Zackery walked across the stage Thursday night to receive his kindergarten diploma he had a picture of Marcail in his pocket. We know she was smiling down from heaven watching him proudly wear his cap and tassel.

In closing I'm writing the engraving from the back of her headstone:

A million times we have cried
If love alone would have saved you
You would have never died
In life we loved you dearly
In death we love you still
In our hearts you hold a special place
That none will ever fill
It broke our hearts to loose you
But you did not go alone
For all our love went with you
The day God called you home.

We know we were blessed to have Marcail in our lives for the short 6 months and 10 days, and went to heaven having a forever family. Tammy


Amy said…
Oh wow, getting out my tissues here. I remember when that happened, I didn't have the privilege of knowing Tammy but I remember seeing Marcails picture and thinking how beautiful she was. Praying for that precious family today. Amy
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for reminding us of this tragedy.My heart still aches for Tammy and her family.How sweet that her brother had her picture in his pocket at the kdg. graduation.I have never met Tammy personally but have talked to her many times on line after her sweet daughter died.Marcail was a beautiful and special little girl and I just know that they are all going to have a sweet reunion in heaven.

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