Catching Up

I know I haven't been blogging much lately. I guess the fact that I even blogged nearly daily for a whole month was pretty impressive. Especially if you look back in my archives and see that there were periods were I'd go two months without even logging in. Lately, though, I just haven't been feeling it. The kids are getting up the moment the first bird chirps (why do birds start chirping so early???) and that pretty much seals the deal. I'm just trying to hang out with the kids and get off the computer as much as I can.

For some reason, though, it's 6:30 and they're still asleep. Hmmm... I wonder if all that bird poison I put out is working.


We actually feed the birds everyday. Hey. Maybe that's it. I need to move their feeding time to around 10:00. I bet they're chirping me awake to let me know they're hungry. And I'm not joking. I once forgot to feed the squirrels in our yard and one of them went ballistic on me. Started jumping on our window over and over and over again - angrily chattering away -basically cussing at me in rodent language until I got some corn out for it.

I'm dead serious.

We've got some crazy psycho squirrels living in our trees.

Anyway, Eli just woke up. Ah, that figures, eh? So, now, I've got to make this quick.

Let's see. Okay. Noah still hasn't pooped his tooth out. Which means I either missed it or his stomach acid pulverized it. Or maybe he didn't swallow it after all and I actually vacuumed it up because I have an OCD fixation and love affair with my Dyson.

We're headed to Austin today. My mom is coming with me and Eli is having a "Special Day" with my dad. I asked Eli what he was going to do on his "Special Day" and he said he's going to drink Dr. Pepper and eat Cheetos all day long.

Yep. I just can't wait to get home late tonight and deal with a hyped up Eli. Oh boy. I just cannot wait.

I'm gearing up for my trip with Noah to TN on the 27th. When we moved there briefly two years ago, I made a lifelong friend - and so I'm driving up to see here and her kids. Her oldest also has autism. I'm really looking forward to going. NOT looking forward to the 11 hour drive up and back - but am looking forward to hanging out with a good friend, watching some American Idol (because she has TV - yay!), ordering takeout and eating breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

You know. All the good things in life.

I'm also highly anticipating our uber, mega garage sale that we should be having next month. I don't know when. But if I don't have it soon, I highly suspect that Sim might haul it off to our nearest charity store. In fact, he asked me how much I planned on making at the garage sale and told me that he'd be willing right now to give me that money in cash just so that he could haul it all off and get his house and garage back.

I looked him square in the eye and told him I bet I could make $5500.

And he looked me square in the eye and gave me a look that said, "What are you smoking and do you have any left?"

Yeah. You can't pull the wool over his eyes.

I think that's about it. I don't have much to say. We've been spending an obscene amount of time at my parents' house. I have a knack of going over there right around lunch time. And in doing so, I've cut down our grocery bill by a mile.

heee heee heee.

But they're on to me. My dad made some quip about how I need to start bringing a loaf of bread with me everytime I come around.

Hmmm...with the early rising of our crew, I bet I could manage to get over there and sneak in some breakfast, too. What do you think?

Speaking of which, I've got to get everyone ready. Hopefully I can get Eli to eat a healthy breakfast this morning - as the rest of his day will be filled with aluminum cans and cheesy, orange stained fingers.

And the best part of the day - that I am most looking forward to....we're going to stop off at Target in Round Rock. For no reason. Just because it's Target.

It's all about the simple pleasures in life, don't you think?



Cherie said…
It was so good to hear about what is going on at your house. We have really missed you but totally get you hanging out at your parents. It must be so nice to have them so close. I wish mine where closer!
Is your mom fully recuperated?

If you get a chance this weekend we will all be at the Cross home all weekend. Brisket on Saturday (you can cut the grocery bill even more!)

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