
I don't even know how to start this post. I am just so amazed and grateful for everyone who visited my pity party and cheered me up. I think I have a pity party about every 3 months - which is actually kinda embarrassing. I guess I get into a real funk about 4 times a year... although my husband would tell you that it's more like one whole week out of every month... but what does he know, right? :-)

Anyway, the post was never intended as a way to beg for compliments. I hope it didn't come across that way. But, boy, did your comments make me feel better! I hope you don't mind if I respond to them here. Is that okay?

Christine, your homeschool posts from last week were hysterical... and so right on the money. I read them all and so identified with everything you wrote. Your post on "taking a chill pill"... well, it was as if you'd written it directly for me. So, I don't have a clue why I let myself wallow in my own misery when just a few days ago I was reading that everyone goes through a funk, no family is perfect, it's okay for 4 year olds NOT to know the alphabet, etc. But I think once I fell headfirst into the deep pity hole I dug for myself, I just couldn't think rationally. Thanks for offering your hand to help me claw my way out.

Lee, you crack me up. Thanks for sharing some of your day with me. I'm glad to know you must be as sleep-deprived as I am! :-) And you're right, it doesn't matter when Eli learns the alphabet. He'll learn it. Doesn't matter if it's today or next year. He'll eventually get it, so I need to quit stressing.

I'm glad you like reading about the skeletons in my closet. lol. And, as far as the love for my kids shining through in my blog... well, there's a reason I didn't blog yesterday. Because the love was NOT shining through, let me tell you. The morning started out great, but I was frazzled by the time the evening came around. Three year olds are HARD work!

Thank for the words of encouragement, Michelle. Motherhood is HARD! People always say that, but you don't really truly understand the full impact of it until you're thrown in the middle of it. And, you're right, my kids are happy. They're just being kids. Maybe I need to try to look at life through their eyes and be a bit more patient.

Julie, you're hilarious! You really are. I'm so glad to know you. And feel free to blog about your days anytime. Is it terrible to admit that I got some sort of sick pleasure in reading about your day? Like... yay! someone else is going through it, too! Whoo hoo!! Sorry!

But it does help to know that you're not alone. And since two of our kids are the exact same age, I know you know what I'm going through.

You really summed it all up with this...

"May we all have bad days on opposite days so that we can spend the rest of our lives lifting up one another!!"
Love that!!
Cherie, I am SO glad you stopped over unannounced. Had you announced you were coming over, I would have been in a panic over the state of my house and over the stained T-shirt I was wearing and how the dishes were piled up. But, actually, just dropping over was perfect. However, the only reason it was quiet when you pulled up was because Nandini happened to be asleep. Now, if you were to come over right now at this very moment... whhhhhooooooolllllllle other story!
And, yeah, I know I should appreciate them being young. They are already growing up so fast. Sometimes, though, I just need to be reminded to sit back and smell the roses.
To anonymous (although I know who you are! lol), thanks for your comment. I totally need to let go of certain things that I can't control. Your message really illustrated that. And I'm so glad that 'M' learned to ride a bike. That's awesome!! Do you think 'N' can come over and teach Eli? :-)
And as far as homeschooling goes... yeah, the fact that I can't even count beyond the fingers on my hand... we're in big trouble when Algebra comes around. My only hope is in knowing that despite what my Algebra and Geometry teacher told me, I've never needed to do any math beyond a calculator. lol.
Sandwich, you're too funny! Please put your new house on the market and move down to Texas. I would love to move where you are, but I freeze in anything below 70 degrees.
And I'm soooo glad to know that you don't make date raisin cake for your kids. Sooooooo glad! :-) You have got the best sense of humor.
Are you sure you don't want to move down South????
Aimee, awww, you're so sweet! A chick flick and a pedi sounds like fun. And it would totally brighten my day! Also, thanks for the lice tips. When you were a little girl did you ever think you'd grow up to share lice tips with someone you met online? lol. I love the internet!

I'm definitely going to do Nandi's sheets daily. Can you believe I hadn't thought of that? And, yeah, those little combs are pretty much useless. Our biggest problem is getting Nandini to sit still. She is the squirmiest little thing ever.
Anyway, thank you so much for your comment. It was really sweet!
And, Dreama, I know you emailed me privately, so I won't go into any detail, but thank you for letting me know that we ALL have these days. I really appreciate it!!
So, I am feeling MUCH better today. I really do need to take a chill pill and smell the roses. Compared to what's going on in the rest of the world, life really is grand. It is hard to see that sometimes when you're in the thick of things... especially when you are dealing daily with monsters. You know... The Attack of the Whiny Monster and The Battle of the Siblings Monster and The-I-Talk-As-If-I-Have-Worms-In-My-Mouth Mumble Monster. But it really is okay. And as Scarlett says,
"After all, tomorrow is another day!"


Cherie said…
Sweet post!

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