How would YOU answer this question?

So, as most of you know, Noah is still in diapers. Well, I just got finished changing him - and he had a stinky - and Eli, who is ever so tactful, crinkled his nose and said, "Ewwww.... that's gross!" And Noah knows what's going on, and I didn't want him to feel embarrassed, so I just calmly said, "No it's not. Everyone poops." - so here's our conversation:

Eli: Ewwww.... that's gross.
Me: No it's not. Everyone poops.
Eli: Everyone?
Me: Yep, everyone.
Eli: Even God? Does God poop?
Me: Ummm.... well.... ummmm... I don't know about that one.
Eli: So is God nobody?

I just told him to wait and ask Daddy when he gets home. And hopefully he'll forget by then. But it completely caught me offguard.

Sooooooooooo.... how would you have answered that question? Does God poop?

Noah's Mom


TracyC said…
Ummmmm...this must have been debated by some noted theologians. Maybe you just need to google it. :-D
Personally, I think I would have said God doesn't poop but everyone else does and look isn't that squirrel out in the yard funny....
Recovering Noah said…
Yeah, can you imagine all those theologians sitting around pondering that question? lol. I like your answer better - and we do have lots of squirrels, so it would have been a very legit distraction. :-)
LOVE your blog. It's so creative. Do you actually sew all those animals yourself? And whatever happened to that children's book? Weren't you writing one?
C said…
Jesus, God made flesh on the earth, took a dump just like the rest of us.

God, however, is perfect - thereby having no need to eliminate waste. God is the absence of waste.

Yeah ... say it like that ... THAT will clear it up! lolol
Recovering Noah said…
Okay, Christine. But if he has further questions, I'm sending him over to YOUR blog. lol.

4 year olds, eh? There's never a dull moment in our house with Eli around. :-)

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