Calling all Flat Stanleys!

Do people even do Flat Stanley anymore? If you haven't heard, it's a great (home)school project. And since I'll be in NY, Brussels, Paris, and India next week (yeah, yeah, I am SO bragging), I thought it'd be a great way to get some pics for your Flat Stanley project.

So if anyone wants to send me a Flat Stanley, you'd better get it to me within the next week. You can email me and I'll send you my mailing address:

Of course, NY, Brussels and Paris will all be airports - but I'm sure Charles DeGualle is sporting a mini-replica of the Eiffel Tower somewhere admist the gift shops and souvenir stands.

As for India, I can get some really good shots - hopefully. (But we're not going to the Taj this time around).

So drop me an email if you're interested! Hey! Maybe I can get the older kids at the orphanage involved. Who knows? That would be really cool, wouldn't it?

Noah's Mom


Anonymous said…
Hi Leslie- never forget that I'm here in Europe! Just let me know if you don't have time to get some Belgian chocolates, I will send you some. Or if you need anything for your Flat Stanley- whatever that is! Wish you'd be in Europe for a longer stayover, but I'm sure we'll manage to see each other again some day. Otherwise I just will have to make it back to Texas! Take care! Geraldine
TracyC said…
My plan is for Tag-Along to arrive on Nov 5th so that he does not accidentally get sold in the garage sale. He might wander over to look at bargains and get carried away...literally.
Recovering Noah said…
Geraldine!!!!! Oh my goodness - what a surprise! What are you doing? I didn't know you read this blog. Have you been a secret lurker all this time? You sneaky thing! I thought of you when we booked our tickets - but I didn't know how to get in touch with you. I have your old work email - and I think you changed jobs? Is that right? Are you in Switzerland or Belgium now? Email me sometime: I would LOVE to catch up!

Tracy, am looking foward to getting Tag-Along in the mail. I can't wait to take pictures. I hope do them justice. I think it'l be a lot of fun!

Anonymous said…
don't forget to set your clocks back!

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