Going to India - Part Deux

Whoo hoo. Crisis averted. The reservations are made... let the packing begin!

We'll be leaving in just under two weeks - Nov 8 and returning on Sat, Nov 17. So if any of you are in the Big D around 4:00 that day, feel free to stop by International Arrivals for Miss Nandini's Big 'Ol Texas Welcoming Party. (And, yes, A. Jayne, we should be there for Thanksgiving. Nandini likes dahl, roti's, veggie mish mash, buffalo milk, and bananas. Think you can put that on the menu? lol. Oh, and she also likes chocolate. Little sweetie takes after her mama).

Speaking of which... we will be flying via Brussels and Paris. Ooh la la. Let the Duty-Free Belgian Chocolate wish list begin right here... but just know they'll be riding in my carry-on luggage and it's a long-haul flight and Nandini and I just might get a tad bit hungry (and anything involving hazlenuts is guaranteed not to arrive to it's original destination).

So, the good news just keeps on flowing. Our church is letting us hold a garage sale next Saturday (Nov 3). That is so unbelievably nice of them. I do think they will freak out when they see how much junk we have - I am a pack rat. I assure you it is a trait that is genetically inherited. Cannot pass up a bargain and can't part with one either 'cuz you never know when you might need triplicates of something. I'm so excited, though - as is Simeon, who CANNOT wait to have a minimalistic house. Like that is EVER going to happen as long as he's married to me - which will be forever, thank you very much. But I'm not going to bust his bubble just yet. I will clean and clear and put all sorts of lovely things in the garage sale. And then I'll be gone for 10 days and he'll miss me so much that he'll wish that me and all my clutter was back........lol.

There is sooooooooo much to do before we leave. We've got mega clearing up to do and pricing for the garage sale. I have a boatload of immigration forms to fill out. I need traveler checks - and gotta do last minute shopping. I've got some serious ducks to get in a row. I am trying not to think of the fact that I'm leaving Noah and Eli for 10 days. I know Eli will miss me, but I also know that he'll be playing Sim sooooooo badly and get away with all sorts of things that I would never let him get away with. As for Noah, I've been trying to prepare him, but we have such a routine going on that I think he's going to be crushed when it gets disrupted. And that kills me.
My little Noah bear. The thought of leaving either one of them makes me want to cry.

That's what happens when you put off getting your U.S. citizenship. Only U.S. citizens can file adoption papers at a U.S. embassy. So, for our next adoption, Sim better have his papers good and ready! (Okay. There is no #4. I was just seeing if you're paying attention).

Lots and lots to do. Hope everyone has a great and blessed weekend.

Noah's Mom


Dreama said…
This is where Michael will be going...Delhi, Chandigarh, Calcutta., Tiruvalla, Agra. He is still wondering why I'm harping about shots when everyone there says all he needs is a tetnus shot. What do you think???
Recovering Noah said…
Hey Dreama, here's a site for required immunizations. I'm not getting any for this trip, but I did get the required ones when I went travelling in India in 2000. My mom is going with me this time and she got the required shots.
Calcutta is where Noah's from! It's an amazing city. Will he be visiting Mother Teresa's Missions of Charity? Tiruvalla is in Kerala - which is meant to be beautiful and is where most of the Indian Christians reside. A friend of mine from Kerala visited us here in GBC and said our neighborbood reminded her of her home in Kerala. So maybe Michael won't get too homesick. lol. Delhi is where we're going next week - it's a really neat city. Chandigarh is way up north in Punjab and is meant to be an awesome place. I think it's the richest city in India. And Agra is where the Taj is at. Is Micahel visiting the Taj? Very cool. I'm so excited for him! It will absolutely be a lif-changing experience. Leslie
Recovering Noah said…
Oops, forgot to post the site for you:


Now, for all of you who are wondering if pigs are flying - you know, with me dishing out pro-vaccination advice and actually linking someone to the CDC website, I'm just helping out a fellow mom who has a grown son. I do think precautions should be taken when travelling to Third World countries.

Noah's Mom
Noah's Mom
TracyC said…
Leslie--I love reading your posts. They are sooooo funny. I was all excited that you'd get me some chocolate but then I realized you are just like me and it won't ever get here. Sigh. Oh well. At least think of me while you're snarfing hazel nut chocolate.....
Dreama said…
Thanks!! I will be sending Michael over here to read this for himself!!! LOL!! If he won't listen to his mom maybe he'll listen to someone who has been, LOL!!! See Michael, Told you!!!
Mary said…
Hi Leslie! its Mary. Im so excited for you!!! Cant believe you're leaving so soon. Jayne has been keeping me updated. Im pretty sure we're coming to the airport on saturday to see Ms Nandini! good luck!

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