Discovering Mardel

I am not that hard to please. Just give me a wad of cash and point me in the direction of the nearest SuperTarget and I will remain on a marvelous high for at least 2 weeks. But today, I discovered something even better. I went into Mardel Christian Bookstore for the very first time.

I am majorly in love.


It weren't for the fact that the kids were getting antsy and I did not (in fact, never) have a fat wad of cash on me, I would have happily stayed there until they kicked me out at closing. What an awesome place. A homeschoolin' mom's place of paradise. If you could see me typing this, you would witness firsthand the goofy grin I have on my face as I'm remembering my journey into the wonderful world that is Mardel. (Insert big, fat, happy sigh).

A friend suggested that I buy "The Power of the Praying Parent", so when we had a few hours to kill between therapy appts today, I stopped off in Mesquite, pushed my buggy through the door and instantly became a kid in a candy store.

I completely forgot to buy the book I came in for. The one reason I stopped. But I did get Eli an awesome T-shirt that says, "On the 6th day, God created the dinosaurs" and it has a big, fierce picture of T-Rex on it. He loves it. Noah got a nice train shirt that has a bible verse on it and we carried out a shopping cart full of bargain books. I LOVE books and cannot control myself when I enter a bookstore. I was telling Jamie (Trushna's mom) that I have spent so much in bookstores since we started homeschooling that I think Sim is going to fax my picture to all the local stores with the words "Do Not Sell Anything To This Woman!!" written underneath it.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is why I maintain my own personal and private Paypal card. My little (and emphasis on little... more like microscopic) nest egg that I can spend on whatever I want without feeling guilty. And it all goes to the kids anyway, so it's not that bad.

After cavorting in paradise, we then went to Old Navy to look for new shirts for Noah. He has chewed holes in the neck of all his T-shirts except for two and with those, he's sucked the dye right out of them. It looks as gross as it sounds. But they didn't have any good T-shirts on sale and I didn't really want to spend a fortune on shirts that are going to be chewed like a dog toy. But I did get 2 because it's gotten to the point where I can't ethically dress him in holey shirts and then venture out into public.

They also had their Halloween costumes on sale, so Eli got a dragon one and Noah got a lion. He didn't have a choice... that's all they had in a size 4/5T - except for a skunk and I didn't really want to dress him like a skunk... .although he is a little stinker. Ba-Bing! Bet ya didn't see that one coming! lol. So right now, Eli is watching TV with his extremely hot dragon costume on. We have the air off, the windows open, and the fans on, but he firmly attached to his costume and refuses to take it off. He's really into dress-up, though. We have a trunk full of old Halloween costumes and he's parading in an ape costume, Sully costume, or knight costume (and others) for at least 5 hours a day. Hey... feed the imagination, I say.

So that's it. I'm extremely happy right now because the kids are happy and I discovered my fave new store. We've got some super new bedtime books to read now and the kids are all decked out in their Jesus shirts.


Noah's Mom


Dreama said…
LOL!!! I loved this post! We spend hours in there also. Glad you found you a new favorite store!
Anonymous said…
You are so funny! I love Mardel's too. We only go there about two or three times a year....can't afford to go more often!! ;)
C said…
I have to limit my consumption of Mardel's! My kids love, love, LOVE the kids' section. I just love to walk every aisle in the whole back part of the store (all the homeschooling/teacher stuff) and look at EVERYTHING!

It's so weird reading your post. You were at MY Mardel's and MY Old Navy! Crazy! OH ... MY old Book Stop (right over there near Old Navy) is going out of business. When I was there two weeks ago, they had almost everything at 40% off! Yup. I bought some stuff for homeschool!

And yes, it's all MY, MY, MINE. I have a monopoly on Mesquite (ya' know ... just for old time's sake).

What size does Noah wear? My son has had an overflux of hand-me-downs when it comes to shirts. Some have gone to my nephew, but I may still have some more (aka: I need to clean out the closets!!).

I'm speaking at a women's retreat the weekend of October 5th, so I'll be around that weekend (I'm staying through Saturday night at my parents' and going to my former church that Sunday). Anywho - would love to meet you, and could drag along some hand-me-downs if they are the right size (and if the dust bunnies haven't run off with them).
Recovering Noah said…
Thanks, Dreama and Julie. So glad to know I'm not the only Mardel Momma in Cedar Creek Lake. :-) I thought I paid for it with my Paypal card and it turns out I did it with our debit card. Sim checked our account at work today and I just got a majorly angry phone call from him. I think I'm about to face a ban from ever leaving the house!

Christine, thanks for offering the shirts! Noah's a tiny little thing. A 4T or 5T - although most 4T's run short, but fit in the shoulders. 5's are big in the shoulders but fit in the length. 5's in hand-me downs would probably work if they've been washed a lot. I have no idea what size your son wears, but thank you so much for the offer! I would love to meet up with you when you're here. There's a slight chance we'll be in India that week, but we'll know more in a week.

Have a great weekend!
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear you love our store! Hope you visit often.


J Green
Mardel, Inc.

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