Autism and Vaccines

Okay, I'm not a confrontational or even a controversial person. Now, I can stand my ground, and I do turn into a Mama Bear when it comes to my kids - but I'm not some hot-head who likes to stir the pot. So, having said that, I think it's worth looking at the full-page ad that Generation Rescue put in USA Today this morning.

It shows you just how many vaccines children under the age of 6 were receiving in 1983 versus how many they are receiving today. In 1983, by the time a child reached 6 years of age, s/he would have received 10 vaccinations. Today, in 2007, that number increases to 36. What gives?

I am NOT anti-vaccine. Please understand that. But I am for a delayed vaccine schedule. I think doctors should give one vaccine at a time and monitor individual response. I'm also against what the manufactures put in vaccines.

Even though thimerosal is "supposedly" no longer in vaccines (except for the flu shot - it is still in the flu shot, but you can request a thimerosal free shot), did you know the DPT shot has formaldehyde and aluminum in it? Did you know the Merck MMR and Varicella shots have aborted fetal tissue in them (and MSG)? And that the flu shot is made up partly from chicken embryos? It's gross, isn't it? I mean, there has got to be some way that the shots can be administered and still be effective without having all this junk in them - and without so many at a time. Is it really necessary to have diploid cells from an aborted baby in our vaccines?

So, I know that most people think... well autism and vaccines hasn't been proven. But it is interesting to see the rise in autism (1 in 150 and steadily rising)... and that it just so happens to correlate with the increase in the amount of vaccines our children are receiving. But let's also not forget all the other junk that has come about or become more popular in in the last 25 years... microwaves, cell phones, computers, laptops (all sorts of things that have electromagnetic waves), high fructose corn syrup, genetically modifed foods, meat with antibiotics and growth hormones, food dyes, etc. And what about all the toxins in the air we breathe? I grew up in Midlothian, where TXI and Chapparel Steel fill the sky with polluted smoke. I cannot tell you how many people in that town have had miscarriages or how many kids living there have asthma. Health problems are on the rise.

So take all these toxins in our food and in our air and couple it with 36 vaccines (that also contain toxins) and a possible genetic component and it's a recipe for disaster.

Whew. Had to get that off my chest.

Noah's Mom


C said…
Good post. Some people just assume we're all a bunch of quacks or conspiracy theorists ... until something hits close to home. I just pray that more people learn and question BEFORE it hits them that personally.

I just read this yesterday:

I also got my copy of "Feast Without Yeast" - has been soooo interesting. Didn't know if you have read it.

OH ... and I don't remember what Beth is talking about, but I would put all my money on the fact that I was horribly responsible for concocting such a thing. Just apologize for me!!! Profusely!! (and she can send her therapy bills directly to me! ha!)
Dreama said…
I was watching Good Morning America the other morning and Jenny McCarthy was on there. She has an autisic son and mentioned some of the same things. She has written a book about it.
TracyC said…
Scary stuff Leslie. What are we doing to ourselves and our kids? Creme Brule just posted something about a good book (I borrowed it from him) about the environment. It's written by an emergency room doctor who noted the rapid increase in the amount of cancer in his patients. Scary, scary, scary.

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