Because I Know This is What You're All Wanting to See...
This is for the legion of readers who've flocked over here from Corey's blog because for some unknown reason she mentioned that I look (and the caps are all hers) JUST LIKE JILLIAN MICHAELS from The Biggest Loser. What? You don't buy it? You think that picture looks suspiciously like Jenny McCarthy's body from her Shape cover last spring?? Oh, Corey. You do have some smart readers. Okay, I confess. My friend Chantelle did kinda get really, really creative with the photoshop after reading my lament about Jenny McCarthy's "yoga inspired body" in one of last April's blog posts. But what am I meant to do? I have tons and tons of Corey readers coming over here simply because Corey took too much NyQuil (or something) and decided to blog. I mean... have you actually seen what Jillian Michaels looks like? In my defense, I know this is a tiny picture, but I was afraid that if I posted a close-up, you'd really be able to see that the only things we have in ...