The Birds and the Bees
Did my title grab your attention? Get your mind out of the gutter, people. This is a family-friendly blog (well.... for the most part.... well.... most of the time). Yesterday at RPM, Noah picked that he wanted to do a science lesson, so he learned about birds and then in a later lesson he learned about the life of a bee. See, you silly billies. Perfectly innocent. I have to tell you - and I know I'm going to sound like a broken record - RPM is the absolute best intervention we've done for Noah. And we've tried everything. And, maybe, all those " everythings " added up to get him to where he could really benefit from RPM - I don't know. All I do know is that I thank God we found out about it... and I'm so thankful that we live in Texas so that we can go twice a week. Let me just say that I looooooooooooove Austin, TX. Is it not the greatest place ever? Where else in Texas can you wear tye -dye, birkenstocks , and smell of patchouli - and no one even b...