Sunday in Pune/ Delhi - Sandwich's Views


Slept til 6:00 and went into the bathroom to FaceTime the kids. When I came out, Leslie was awake. Naveen slept until 7:30.

We went down to breakfast and he asked to go potty 3 or 4 times. It's really the one thing he can control and communicate right now. Plus he's two and potty training. But it's exhausting! You couldn't pay me a million dollars to go back to those days! I'm so glad to be the Aunty!

He ate pretty well. He liked the upma, the dosa, and the chapati. Not the curd. He's kind of a carbohydrate boy.

While i wascdrinking my tea, leslie took him outsidevto walk. He liked that. After out tea, we headed upstairs.

He had a bath and played with the water, but not as long as yesterday. No poop on the floor (or anywhere).

Next they went outside again and did two laps around before he asked to come up. As soon as they were up, he asked to go back out, but Leslie was tired out so she told him no. What followed was a lesson in two-year old discipline. His very first! Awww!

He pointed at the door. She said no. He cried and pulled on her hand. She picked him up and held him. He asked to get down. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. For 20 minutes or so.

Finally he threw himself on the bed and stopped crying while she rubbed his back. She was able to distract him with a book then. He's so smart about repeating things and after she told him a few times, he could say them himself.

Next we got naked again (well only he did) and played with the bucket et. al. again. I sat with him this time and Leslie packed. We put shampoo in for bubbles a change of pace and he washed the stool for a long time today. We threw in some extra cups we scratched up (the shoe shine kit, sponge ripped out and oil washed out).

I'm sure there's cute stuff I'm forgetting.

I needed to go to Pune Central to pick up some things for Molly and Leslie was hungry for McDonalds, so off we went in the auto. We went to Mickey Ds first in case Naveen didn't want to be out, but he did really well. We satisfied our McSpicy Paneer cravings and got some fries in case he wanted some, but he wouldn't try them at first. Leslie kept trying to feed him one, but he'd shake his head no. He just wanted his Parle-Gs.

He's getting comfortable enough that he can get down from her lap now and walk a few feet away. When he came back he reached the table he put his hand up and took one fry. He sucked it a little but didn't want to bite it.

Just as we pulled up, there was a little boy with a toddler sitting in the sun in the sidewalk in front of the mall. His face lit up and he got a huge grin when he saw us in the auto. Such a tiny businessman, recognizing opportunity when he sees it. They came up as I paid the driver and the boy put his hand on my arm and the baby on his hip did too (although it was actually a small toddler because it had been running around on the sidewalk. The boy put his fingers to his lips, Hungry and the baby did too. I said Nie because I never give to children and their syndicates (sometimes to old ladies or handicapped). He launched into his Please, Madam routine and as I put away my 40 Rs change, I remembered I had some coins I never use, so I gave him one.

I feel guilty if I don't give, because I have so much, and guilty if I give because you know they are working for someone and either don't need the money or don't ever see it. Their plea is that they're hungry, so do you buy them some food? Will they get beaten if they eat it? Is it condescending to give them your leftovers? Should a baby eat French Fries 10 times a day? I hate this part.

Next we autoed to Pune Central. Leslie sent me with money to the section I needed to go to, and she took Naveen to the food court for ice cream (which he liked). I knew exactly which things I needed as I'd taken pictures with my iPod Thursday and emailed them to Molly.

Leslie had flagged an auto but he wanted SIXTY Rs. To take us 2 blocks to our hotel. It should have been 20-30. He tried to argue that it was one way and there was no turn and we were standing in the hot sun with a tired baby, so we gave in.

When we got to the hotel TWO MINUTES later, I punished him by making him break a 100. Of course he didn't have change, so he came into the hotel to ask for some. They, of course, didn't have any either. So she took the 100, gave him 50, asked me to give him 10 (after she berated him for overcharging us when I told her how much we paid) and she promised to give leslie 50 later when she got change. Just now writing this, I asked Leslie if she ever got the 50 Rs. And she said No. So that auto ride actually cost us 110 Rs.

Leslie and Naveen went to the room to nap, which he did and she packed.

I on the other hand, set out in search of adventure. I went off walking through our neighborhood looking for interesting shops. Nothing. Being Sunday, all the sidewalk merchants were out on the main road, all selling the same things. Every stand had purses, wall hangings, shoes and used-looking clothes. After perusing the whole length of the street, I bought a purse for 200 Rs.

Next I found a chemist (pharmacy) and bought PullUps. With as well as Naveen is doing, and as OFTEN as he wants to go potty, it's too hard to take a diaper on and off every 20 min. So Leslie had wanted some PullUps.

A little further down was a small shop I'd seen on my way to McDonalds that was selling um...for the sake of first graders who can read in my household.. A toy with the same name as a hopping, singing insect. ;). Got one for Naveen, too.

I looked at tiffins at the next shop, but they all had razor sharp edges when you opened them an the we're difficult to put together. Not good for a 7 year old.

Next shop I got more Parle-Gs.

I grabbed an auto for only 20 !! Rs. And paid him 30 for being honest. He dropped me at the head of our lane and as I walked back to the hotel, I picked up a banana for 3Rs. Probably a rip-off. I could have had 2 for 5Rs.

Leslie was all packed. Naveen was sleeping. When he woke up, I took him in the bath for more water play. I am Water Aunty.

We lolled around waiting for 4:30. At 4:00, Leslie went down to ask the front desk something and our car was already waiting. She hustled downstairs to settle the bill and I quickly packed the rest of the stuff up.

The drivers eyes got big when he saw all our stuff. I think Leslie had said 2 bags, not taking into account our carry ons and Naveen's bags. But we are master packers, and we squeezed it in easily.

The driver was Nepali with very good English and told us all about where he's worked, how he came to Pune, his brothers and sisters (there are 6 plus him, A very large family, Madam.). I told him I had 5 children and he couldn't believe it, I'm so young! How do I manage so many? We talked about where else he wanted to work and the if faculty of getting a visa.

All this was in the 20 min. it took to the airport! At the airport I showed him a picture of my kids and he was pretty confused about the boys. I don't think he'd ever heard of adoption and he really couldn't fathom that my boys were from India. Finally he looked at Leslie and said, Same as yours? pointing at Naveen.

At the airport we went easily through check-in and security, but Naveen wore Leslie out. Naturally our flight was delayed and he came out of his shell. He decided he was finally hungry and he ravenously ate biscuits, one in each hand. He went to the potty every 7 minutes (not lying! Ask Leslie) dcz (Naveen just typed that), drank pani, went for a walk, ate Pringles, got on Leslie's lap, got down off Leslie's lap. He does not however, a) run away or b) scream, so for that we can be thankful. We also taught him to say please for Pringles and he already says "tahnk oo." Leslie's pretty sick of the false bathroom alarms, though.

I ate masala corn.

We decided it was really good that we took him out these several times and to Sarah and Jose's as he was much less nervous about going out with us and being around people when we had to go to the airport. He even talked to a lady when she came up and asked if Leslie was adopting him and Leslie told her he spoke Marathi. She asked him his name and he told her! Then she asked him about his Mommy and going to live in Texas, and he told her, waving his arm overhead, that he was going to fly there! He knows his story! He is absolutely incredible! And BSSK prepares them so well.

We boarded and left on time. No, they don't have child belts. He'll be fine. They got in late, so the cloths on the back of the seats aren't changed. There is hair on the seat's next to mine. I tore mine off and dropped it on the floor. I don't want head lice, thank you. There's someone's newspaper in my seat pocket and old headphones in Leslie's. No ones come to check that were wearing our seatbelts as we land, nor asked me to turn off my iPad. We're going to call it Don't Cair India. There WAS rasgulla for dessert.

So. Now we're all caught up. Hopefully our driver will have gotten the message that our flight is delayed and will still be there. Our Villa is 60 minutes from the airport. Naveen was very, very good on the flight. Leslie didn't tell him they have bathrooms.


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