The Internet in the hotel's been down, so I haven't been able to update all at all. It came back on about 15 minutes ago. I do have a blog post typed up in my notes about the journey here, but not one about meeting Naveen yet. It's been a long day and we're all exhausted.

So, I'm copying the post I just put on Facebook and will update more when I can. Please pray for a smooth adjustment for Naveen, Thanks!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted yet. The hotel's internet has been down and is now only up sporadically. Anyway, we have Naveen! He's grieving pretty hard. After three hours of crying and pointing to the door, he fell asleep. He looks like a little sleeping angel. He had a rough time at first, but he kept coming to me for comfort and to hold him while he cried, which was good. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but each day will be easier. He really is amazing. I just can't believe how lucky I am to be his mom. He was all smiles for about thirty minutes (in the hotel room) and then he spilled water on himself, stripped off his clothes, pointed upstairs and started rattling something off in Marathi. At the orphanage, they go upstairs to change their clothes. When I told him no, I think he realized that he wasn't going back and that's when he started crying. But when he's happy...he's happy! He loves to dance. Oh, he's so cute dancing to the Bollywood videos. He's curious and quick and smart. And he knows he's cute! He'll do something naughty and then tilt his head to the side and smile. And he's a real cuddle bug. If I'm able to post pictures, I will.


heather said…
Oh - thinking of you! Have you done any Marathi prep or is there someone who can help translate? I forget how old he is? How is the hotel otherwise?
Miche said…
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Sarah said…
I am so, so excited for you! It sounds like his intial reaction is similar to when we adopted Grace. And she is very, very attached now!!
Miche said…
Hey, I'm sorry, I realize now I shouldn't have mentioned where in India you guys might be, so I deleted the comment I sent earlier-at any case though, I am SO excited for you and loved reading your story. My family has just started the process to adopt from India, so we are just super excited to connect with other families and read stories :)

Take care!!

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