There's Only One Reason We'd.....

Make sure all the juice stains were mopped off the floor and bookshelves dusted.....

There's only one reason we'd actually sweep under the rug and the couch and put away all the countless children's DVD's that collect on the coffee table.... and the floor... and around the TV... and under the couch...

There's only one reason, I'd break out the Easter crafts and make it look like we're regular contributors to Family Fun magazine.....

There's only one reason (and only very few times) that you'd actually be able to see what our countertops look like and eat off the floor (although I wouldn't recommend it)...

There's only one reason all the scribbled bits of paper would be pulled off the wall and I'd spend 2 agonizing hours trying to tie flimsy butterflies to fishing line - which, did you know, is invisible?? - and hang them from the ceiling to make a little girl's room a bit more cozy....

(Sorry for the fuzzy shot. Photography... not my forte).

There's only one reason all the dinosaurs would be shoved in the closet and the bookshelves adorned with things that make little boys look refined and cultured... you know, like horses and books and star student pendants.

There's only one reason that I could convince Sim that it was high time to replace our toilet cover seats.... (one day we'll get proper flooring)....

There's only reason that we could actually convince Noah to "please, please stay dressed... just for a couple of hours... please!".....

There's only reason that we could get this picture of Eli and Nandi playing Tangled and acting like loving siblings.... (Eli, your momma has a picture of you holding a barbie doll.... here's a new spelling word.. B-R-I-B-E-R-Y)....

There's only reason I'd have apples, cinnamon sticks, and cloves on the boil to mask that oh-my-gosh-what-is-that-smell? Please-tell-me-someone-has-gas-and-that-we-don't-have-a-lost-hard-boiled-egg-somewhere-in-this-house.....

There's only one reason I'd break out the apron and make banana chocolate chip muffins AND a fruit plate complete with vanilla bean fruit dip.

The only reason would be because we had a visit from our SOCIAL WORKER....

And the only reason we'd be having a visit from our social worker is if we were getting a HOME STUDY....

And the only reason we'd be getting a home study is if we.....

You guessed it! We're PAPER PREGNANT!!

I can't go into all the details just yet, but I can say that we're adopting a little boy who is just under two and he is the cutest most loveable thing ever. I can't say right now where he is, but it'll probably be January or February before we're able to travel. I also can't say his name, so I'll just have to call him Little N for the time being.

That's right... we're going to have three N's in our family! Noah, Nandi, and Little N. Eli is totally cool with it because he says being the only "E" in the family makes him special.

Too right, Big E!

I can't wait, though, to be able to share Little N's adoption story with you someday. It's truly amazing how it all worked out. It's one of those things where you just know that God's fingerprints are all over it.

So that's our news!

Oh, and one tip from me to you. If you should happen to have a home study one day, please make sure your husband doesn't serve the social worker coffee on one of these napkins....
Fortunately, our social worker used to live in London and likes British humor. Whew!


Phyllis said…
Congratulations!! That's so exciting. Can't wait to hear more details and see pictures when he's home. So happy for you all.
paul-and-lori said…
I knew it!!

I don't have time to read your whole post, but I confess, I cheated and scrolled to the bottom. :)

So excited for You!!!

I'll be back to read your post later today. :)
Nikki said…
Yaaay. Already congratulated you but congratulations again and i'm sooooo excited for you!
C said…
Last Mom said…
How exciting!!! Congrats!
Blessed said…
Wow--so excited for you! Hope all the details and travel work out smoothly!
GB's Mom said…
Cartwheels!!! So happy for you! God is good! Miss you...
Chantelle said…
Totally saw that coming from the very 1st "there's only one reason"... cause we only clean for adoption visits too!!! :) :) :) (Infact, judging from the looks of this mess, we'd better adopt again SOON!) ;)

Seriously though - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Can't wait to hear more details!!!!
Kristi W. said…
Yay!!!!! So happy for you!!!! I know you've been pining for a while. :) Can't wait until you can share all of the details. I'm especially curious to know where little N is from!!!
Trauma Mama said…
Awesome news! Can't wait to hear more!
woot! can't wait to hear more.
_ said…
Woohoo!!! So excited for you guys. Congratulations. Oh, and your line about contributing to the magazine made me laugh out loud.
Leveta said…
That is SO wonderful! I am so happy for you all. You have a beautiful home. I can't wait to hear more about your newest addition.
Anonymous said…
Wow! Congrats!!! Jan
:)De said…
Congratulations!! So exciting!!!
Anonymous said…
So happy for you, Leslie! :o)

Lisa H.
Hannah_Rae said…
OOOO!!! I just squealed out loud! WHOOHOO! I can't wait to hear more. I want to be paper pregnant again! Maybe.


sandwichinwi said…
Wow! Exciting news! ;)

Your home is beautiful! Too bad I didn't get to see it last summer :(

Sarah said…
Oh, I am soooo excited for you!! Thought that you said it would be a few years...can't wait to hear the whole story!!
Jane said…
So thrilled for you Leslie! Looking forward in following your journey in bringing sweet N home.
PS <3 the napkins!
Marty Walden said…
You have amazing strength and a heart that is pleasing to God. Congrats and great success to you all.
Pam said…
Awesome news! _insert jealousy here_ lol :) Can't wait to hear more about N!
Wendy said…
Yay!!!! Can't wait to hear details and see pictures. Any strange food cravings yet since you are paper prego?
Shara said…
Wow!! Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!

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