It Pays to Be a Pack Rat

Eli is one of those kids who, no matter what movie he's watching, always has to reenact scenes once the movie is over. Always. For days on end until he watches something else. He's been like that since he was a toddler.

Which means we've had to endure countless reenactments on everything from Barney's Beach Party to Finding Nemo to the Lion King and Shrek and Tarzan to most recently How to Train Your Dragon (oh have mercy, they're coming out with a sequel) and Kung Fu Panda (which, much to my dismay, is also getting a sequel) and a hilarious play-by-play of Mary Poppins, which we recently rented.

What this means, though, is that it is practically impossible to get rid of any of our toys because, heaven forbid, Eli decides to reenact a scene from a movie and I "accidentally" sucked the toy up with the vacuum or Sim made a "This is it! I've had enough of this junk!" trip to the Goodwill.

It also means I am so incredibly glad that I didn't get rid of that box full of Polly Pockets that I bought from my friend, Amy, at her garage sale a couple of months back - even though Nandi showed no interest in them whatsoever.

And I'm so thankful that I kept the geoboard that my dad made for the kids a few years ago - even though it held their attention for approximately one week. I still remember that week....

It was pure bliss.

And it means I'm so glad that I didn't throw out Nandi's Flynn Rider doll the day after Christmas when she popped his legs off and decided she didn't want him anymore. I think it was the sting of knowing that Santa paid $19.95 for that Flynn Rider doll and it wasn't about to go in the trash. I popped the legs back in and put it in our "I know you're gonna want this later" bin.

And guess what? Mama was right. Because we read this book last week....

Product Details

And we watched this movie......

Which means.... what you see below was inevitable...

And although the movie took great liberties with the plot from the book, I think my kids took even more. Of course, they made do with what they had... but I certainly don't remember the Lilliputians being petite blondes wearing skimpy bikinis.

And I certainly don't remember one of them having her hands down Gulliver's pants...

No wonder that Flynn Rider's got such a smile on his face....

I should've thrown him in the trash when I had my chance.


Last Mom said…
So awesome!!! Group play activities like this make me sad I only have one. But then a meltdown hits us and I go back to being grateful for only having one!
_ said…
You crack me up!! Personally, I bet the movie your kiddos made would have been better than that remake.
Blessed said…
the end of your story just completely cracked me up. Thank you for sharing this--too funny!
Anonymous said…
This is guys are so creative! I've been busy hiding easter candy and then eating it myself, from Hank.

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