The Zany Adventures of Dino Boy, Bat Girl, Spider Girl, and Dr. Pepper Man

Several weeks ago, we went to my niece's 4th Birthday Party. Now, let me tell you, my sister-in-law, Beth, is Miss Cathy Creative. I mean, she can do things with a sewing machine that Martha Stewart can only dream about.

She's gives me quite a complex, my SIL. Her crafting abilities blow me away.

Anyway, my niece is quite the little tomboy and she was bound and determined to have a super hero birthday party. So we get to the party and the kids are all given a little something that Beth had whipped up a few days prior.

Namely, hand painted super hero shirts and homemade superhero capes.

You'll have to look at the pictures below. They are the cutest darn things I've ever seen.

Then the kids were treated to an outdoor obstacle course where they had to chase the bad guys through pools of lava (a sandbox turned into a swimming pool with water dyed red and a 2x4 to cross), go through the ring of fire (aka a hula hoop hanging from the swingset) and scale tall buildings with a single bound (a rock climbing wall).

Then they came in and stuffed their faces with superhero cake and refueled their powers with ice cream. And then slept the whole 3 hour trip back home. Ahhhhhhhh.

They had such a blast! Hope you enjoy the pictures below. And aren't those shirts and capes adorable??!!

P.S. We were also treated to a special appearance by Teen Wonder (aka my 13 year old niece, Jessica, in her superhero costume.

P.P.S. Thank you so much for the sweet comments that were left on my blog post about Noah and CapriSuns/Gogurts. :-)


Dreama said…
That is so cool! Do you think she would do a b-day party for me? LOL!!!
Oh I love it! Noah's costume is great.

I wish you would just drive down to TN and visit us. A better idea is when Erin comes back we go to Little Rock and spend the night. Talk and catch up.

PS--love your new blog.

Lori P.
Recovering Noah said…
LOL - Dreama. Which Super Hero would you be? Dancing Diva? Or Tan Queen? ;-)

Lori, I know! We have to get together. I think an overnight sounds perfect!!Or maybe we can just drive all the way straight to Nashville. :-)

Thanks for the blog comment. Nikki always does a great job. And, yep, Noah's costume is too cute! lol
Leslie said…
What a blast! Looks like they had a great time.
I saw the idea on Tori & Dean (I know, I know) for a superhero party with obstacle course and thought of how fun it would be to do. Nice to see it in the real world version.

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