Seeing the Miracle in Capri Suns and Gogurts

A few years ago, when Noah was around 4 1/2, I got so excited because he finally ate sandwiches cut into strips. Up until then, he'd only eat peanut butter on rice cakes and refused to touch sandwiches. And I remember calling my mom and telling her that this means that maybe one day he'll eat sandwiches cut in half and eventually maybe he'll even eat a whole sandwich.

Because, you see, to me that was what normal kids did. And it wasn't so much an abnormal vs normal thing. It was more like that's what all the other kids did and I really wanted to hold onto that. I thought it'd help him blend in more at picnics and parties and get togethers.

I mean, yeah, I know it doesn't really change anything... but it meant a lot to me.

Well, fast forward 4 years and Noah has finally discovered Capri Suns and Gogurts! And, yes, I am considering that a miracle. lol

We don't really buy that type of stuff... but they served Capri Suns at the library picnic the other day... and Noah drank it! This is really huge for three reasons:

1. Noah doesn't do straws
2. Noah doesn't do new things
3. Noah actually drank it without squeezing it all over himself

In our life... where everything that most people take for granted is a cause for celebration... well, you know we celebrated! And bought ourselves a pack of Capri Suns. Or two. Or five.

This week we're watching our 4 year old niece, Alaina, and she looooves Gogurts. That's something else we'd always avoided because we hate to buy things for the other kids if Noah can't have it... and they just always seemed like they had the potential for a big mess.

But we bought some because Alaina likes them and you know what? Well, you can guess can't you? Noah liked them, too! He didn't eat the whole thing because he doesn't care too much for dairy foods, but he tried it and he didn't make a mess!

Okay, so, I know it seems corny that I'm so excited over these little things. And I know they seem like little things, but, to us, they're pretty big.

So this 4th of July weekend, we're going to hit up the celebration at the Heritage Village, go out on the boat, take the kids to see Toy Story 3, celebrate our Independence, and muse over the miracle of Capri Suns and Gogurts.

Happy Fourth of July!!


Nashota said…
So happy for your progress! I'm thankful to know that I'm not the only mom that has these feelings! We have an almost 4 year old boy that is on the doorstep of receiving an autism diagnosis sometimes the simple things other parents take for granted make it painfully obvious that our little boy is different. Just thought I'd let you know that seeing this post helped me feel a little less abnormal, lol! Have a great 4th of July!
Oh I think that is awesome, Leslie. My Noah (4yr old) still has trouble with caprisons. By the way, cutest picture of such a handsome little boy. Happy 4th.

Anonymous said…
YAY Noah! I love that you celebrate every success for your kids, Leslie.. and that you recognize that this is JUST as big for Noah as other things are for other kids.

Corey (who still spills the Capri Sun EVERY freakin' time)
Pam said…
Awwww So sweet!!! I am really, really enjoying all the posts and pics!:)
Mom 4 Kids said…
That is one happy proud face your guy has in that photo too! Awesome stuff!
Sarah said…
sarah bess said…
Phyllis said…
That is awesome!! Way to go, Noah. And that is just a precious picture of him...what a beautiful smile :)
40 Minus 100 said…
Not the TINIEST BIT "corny" for you to be excited about this! I'm excited too! Thanks for sharing. Go Noah!
Megan said…
Awesome! Go Noah Go!

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