My Birthday Present to Me

So, uh, I turn 18 this week. Okay, well, 18 PLUS 18 - and one thing I've learned - quite recently, actually - is that I don't need more stuff. Having too much stuff leads to too much stress.

Where do I put it? What do I do with it? Is the thrill of it still there after I buy it and get home?

The answer is most often no.

Hi, my name is Leslie and I am a garage sale-aholic. Seriously. It runs in my veins. My first dollar was earned when I was three and I sold a plastic bird whistle at my Pa Lester's stand at Trader's Village Flea Market.

And then I helped with his stand when I got older.

And my parents actually have a stall at First Monday in Canton.

Trust me, when I say that my entire life has been about finding a bargain and snapping it up - because you never know when it might come in handy. And duplicates? Awesome. Triplicates? Even better.

Don't believe me? Remember my post about how Nandi has moved into our closet? (It's a 10x10, just as an FYI, and I will post pics. Don't want anyone thinking we've shoved her into a 1x3.). Anyway, THIS is a picture of what came out of the closet.

I thought some of ya'll might enjoy that. It always helps to know that someone else is more of a slob than you, right?

Consider this my gift to you. My "pat-on-the-back-you're-doing-a-GREAT-job" boost of confidence.

I'm such a dear, aren't I?

So, the point is, I have too much stuff. I have toys that I bought on clearance 11 months before Christmas so that I could save on the following Christmas... only to forget that I had them and, thus, requiring me to buy new ones.

I have Birthday presents and clothes bought year-round at "get-em-while-they're-hot" sales... only to forget where I stashed them when the time came.

I have had countless garage sales and clear-outs. The local charity resale shop actually decorated their entire office with my children's' toys at Christmas time.

I am not joking.

They loooooove us.

And for the longest time I couldn't stop. I mean, how you can resist a pair of jeans for 50 cents? Or a kid's winter coat for $1.00?

There's nothing wrong with garage sales, if you can control yourself.

But if you can't, then you end up with this:

Ah, there's that picture again. You love me don't you?

(Hey, let me just tell you that our room does NOT stay like that, okay? That is a result of the big closet clear-out... .and is one of the reasons I've been MIB (missing in blogging) lately. I've been going through a lot - literally! lol)

Okay, so here's the point. I am reforming myself. I'm taking my bargain addiction by the... uh, whatever you take them by... and declaring myself FREE from my addiction to STUFF.

I went to three garage sales the other day and didn't buy a thing. Whoo hoo! That's the first step!

The second is to not stop at any garage sales at all (as Sim pointed out). And I did that, too!

And the third is... well, I don't know what the third is.... it's open for suggestions.

BUT, this all brings me to my birthday. This is going to be the year that I make good decisions. I am not extravagant by any means, but I'm learning that a bargain is really only a bargain if it's something that you need and something that you'll use.

I am also learning that I want to do more good in the world. I don't want to just feel like I'm making a difference. I want to actually make a difference.

Nikki, the adorable college student that designed my blog, once wrote about how she's only going to give presents that make a difference. And that she wants to only receive presents that make a difference.

And I really like that attitude.

Sim and I sat down and discussed it. Do we really need another CD? Another DVD? Do I really need another $10 shirt from Target? No. NO!!

So our new plan is to give a gift that gives. We're not only going to do this with us, but with the kids, too. They'll still get one toy and one outfit, but the third present will be a gift that gives.

Eli wants to help someone in Guatemala. (Maybe a sponsorship? An onil stove? Chickens?)

Nandi said she wants a gift that will help dogs (her favorite animal). Maybe a T-shirt that benefits the SPCA? Or a bag? Or an ornament? Or a trip to Walmart to buy dog food and treats for our local shelter?

Noah has already given to KIVA this year. And we'll do his RPM therapy with him to find out what gift he wants to receive for his birthday.

As for me... this is what Sim and the kids bought me for my birthday:

Isn't it adorable? It's a cute little necklace that was designed by Selah, a little girl who was adopted from Ethiopia and who happens to be HIV+. Her family is now trying to adopt Selah's biological brother and sister from Ethiopia and all proceeds from this necklace ($25) go directly towards their adoption.

So, I get a super cute necklace AND the money spent goes towards reuniting a family.

Does it really get any better than that?

You can get the whole scoop about Selah's Necklace HERE - you know, just in case you want a super cute necklace, too! And while you're at it, don't forget to stop by Positively Adopted and check out some of the necklaces that my friend, Chantelle, designed. I've already put a bug in Sim's ear about them for Christmas. *grin*

Oh, and my parents gave me some money for my birthday, too, so I'm finally getting a pair of THESE:

They're a pair of TOMS SHOES. And they are right up my Birkenstock loving alley.

In other words, "I HEART UGLY SHOES".

I do. I really do.

Actually, I've been wanting a pair for ages, but always got suckered into the fact that I could buy 4 $10 pairs of shoes for the cost of one pair of Toms. But, that's exactly the type of thinking that's gotten me into so much... stuff. And if you buy a pair of Toms shoes, then they will actually donate a pair to a person in need for FREE.

Now, how cool is that?

So, I now have a cute, cute necklace and my lovely winter shoes will be arriving this week. (Only in Texas can a pair of winter shoes be thin canvas. Aren't you Northerners jealous??)

And that's that. This is the beginning of my 18 + 18th year. And this will be the first year that I actually remember what I got for my birthday.

Now, THAT's what I call a great start to, hopefully, a fantastic year.


Wendy said…
OK, how in the world did you sneak into my spare bedroom and snap those incriminating photos????? Hee!
Geraldine said…
Ok, so you mean there might be hope for us too? We need to move all the stuff out of our spare bedroom, which we use as our office...otherwise I dont know where our child will sleep.....I need to find something like a garage sale here in Europe....
Recovering Noah said…
Okay, Geri. Obviously, I am not quite over my addiction - as my heart started beating a bit faster at the thought of a European garage sale. *blush*

Wendy, if you decide to clean out your spare room and have a garage sale - don't let me know. I'm still in baby steps with my addiction and might show up at your front door with a fanny pack full of quarters. :-)
sandwichinwi said…
Ok, here are my two cents (don't go running off to any sales with them, either!)

How about for your #3, (remember, #1: stop but don't buy, #2: Just don't stop) #3: Throw the money you were gonna spend at the sale you didn't stop at into a jar for our trip!

Smart, huh?

And here is my other comment upon reading your post.... Why the heck are you spending a dollar on a winter coat for your kids who live in TEXAS!!!! Really?? You need winter coats? Maybe. I've only been there once and it was in April.

And, neener, neener! Some of my very best garage sale finds have been Lands End winter coats for 50 cents! And they even zipped up (and down!) I think one of them has been through all 3 of my girls.

blessings and prayers on your recovery!
sandwichinwi said…
Wow. That was a long comment. Next time I'll just link to your post and write my comment on my blog.

sandwichinwi said…
Oh, and Happy Birthday!

Nikki said…
ooo, exciting!! and i must heart ugly shoes as well because i love my 2 pairs of toms!! i do get blisters though :( which makes me sad. i think i will have to suck it up and wear them tomorrow though...
Anonymous said…
You don't wear Birks year round? You can just get some fleece socks, you know. ;-)

Shara said…
Happy Early Birthday,Leslie!! I hope you have a fabulous day!

And I can't believe your closet is 10x10. That's how big my daughter's room is!
TracyC said…
Happy Birthday! Great ideas! And the photo--well, I think that must be printed and put somewhere where it can keep on giving me pleasure. (evil laughter) Seriously, I am right there with you on the addiction to stuff problem. Can we have monthly meetings....with snacks?
Sneha V said…
You never stop amazing me. :)
That such a great idea! I wish you all the best this year as you continue to make a difference in the world. :)

PS: So, we're both 18 now, huh?
Amy said…
Oh man, here I go again getting the worse friend of the year award. I forgot your birthday... again. Gulp. Sorry. So here we go:
Please tell me it was not the day I talked to you on the phone? ;0)
Anonymous said…
When was your birthday? The 16th? Mine was too...only my closet doesn't look like that only because *I just went through it*. LOL.

I say step three is selling all your stuff. Of course, that means the stuff you no longer need. *Need*
Bronwyn said…
Happy belated birthday! I like the idea of 18 + 18. I will have to try that one.
Thank you for stopping by my blog today. It is nice to meet another mom with a child with severe autism. I look forward to reading your blog. I noticed that you do RPM with your son. I saw a video on that once. I am interested to read how that works for him.

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