And My Baby's All Grown Up...

Well, it’s been pretty quiet on this end, hasn’t it? I thought I’d wait until things got better to tell y'all how Eli’s first week of school is going. And by getting better, I mean waiting until it doesn’t take 3 teachers and a vice-principal to pry him out of the car and me not sitting in the parking lot clutching my bosom crying, “My baby! My baby!” and not caring that I was holding up the carpool lane.

And that day… was today.

The little stinker hopped out of the car, waved goodbye and took some unknown teacher - who’d better not think she’s going to replace me - by the hand and then he was off.

And then I sat in the car, leaned on the steering wheel and cried, “My baby! My baby!” and promptly called my husband and informed him that I needed to get on medication to sort out my mood swings and indecisiveness.

It’s hard living life as a complicated woman.

Only one more day and then I have him for TWO WHOLE DAYS before I have to send him back off to the land of Oh-My-Gosh-How-Much-Trash-Can-One-Lunchroom-Cafeteria-Generate and Please-Tell-Me-That-Those-Kids-Wash-Their-Hands-After-Picking-Their-Nose-and-Wiping-It-On-The-$36.48-Stash-Of-School-Supplies-That-I-Just-Bought.

And since I’m sounding completely neurotic right now, I might as well tell you that I called Sim yesterday and complained that I was….. bored.


Apparently, I never realized how much time and energy it takes to break up two screaming/biting/I hate you – you just breathed in my air space/ children All.Day.Long.

And when those children are separated… it becomes quiet.

It is such a totally new concept for me that I actually had to sit down with a carton of Breyer’s Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and contemplate it.

Nevermind that it was 9:30 in the morning....

Wow, just wait until Nandi starts Pre-K next week. Oh my word, whatever will I do???

I might just have to buy some ice cream and contemplate it.

P.S. This picture of Noah actually has nothing to do with this blog post, but thought that I'd show you that Noah celebrated the quiet and the freedom by eating shaving cream and trying to drink my contact solution.

I guess I know where I need to channel my energy......
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Shara said…
Eli looks so big!! Glad to hear things are going well!
The Johnson's said…
Very cute picture of Noah. If you use Cool Whip it's just as much fun and tastes a little better! ; ) And I actually talked to a therapist the other day and she uses powdered milk and peanut butter to make play made me think of you and all your amazingly creative ideas. Thought I'd pass it on, but I would be shocked if you haven't already tried it! = )
sandwichinwi said…
My question for you is, Was the prying because you wouldn't let go of him? Or because he wouldn't get out? LOL

I hear you on the quiet and peace. That was last year when my volatile one went to kindergarten. This year he is home. So far, so good, though.

Congrats on going off to school, Eli! Hope they have dinos for you there!

Anonymous said…
Eli looks so "BIG" !...and I love the glasses...
Tell him how proud A Jane & U James are of him! I knew he'd be just great in school!
Sneha V said…
Super cute photos, I wish both of them the absolute best of luck with school!

And I hope that you & Noah have tons of fun with all the time you two will have together.

Mint choc chip ice-cream really does work wonders! Must remember to pick up a gallon for my dorm room. :)

Sneha V
Mom 4 Kids said…
I can not believe how mature Eli looks in this picture, even with the bear? bunny? lovey! :-) The glasses are great!
Anonymous said…

I LOVE your blog...You always make me smile and I needed that tonight. Kudos to Eli and to his Mama!

and btw, if you need something...or someone to keep you from getting bored, I have a few ideas! ;o)

Lisa H.
Anonymous said…
Well, Leslie that is all wonderful news. You are so funny. I think you could write a good funny book about your life. I am so happy Eli is liking school now. Hey and the comment about the cool whip is really cool.. LOL.. Tell them all hi.

Now this is just for Eli.
Eli, oh my you are such a handsome young man. I love your glasses and you look so good in them. You look like you could be my teacher. Wow, I bet you are so smart in your new school. I can't wait to see what all you learn this year. Now remember you are going to school so when all those girls start wanting to be your girlfriend tell NO, you have much to learn first. Wow, It is awesome that you are such a handsome, smart and wonderful student. I will miss you this year, and I love you..
Ms. Stephanie
Hannah said…
I'll be sending my baby off in a couple of weeks too. :( I'm nervous for him. He has no idea what he's getting into.

4th grade, here we come!
Lisa said…
Eli looks great sporting those glasses! And Noah looks so adorable with all the shaving cream!!! I am sure the "bored" period will not last very long!!! So glad Eli is doing better. Hopefully Mommy will do better soon, too ! :)
sarah bess said…
you're super-hilarious, Leslie. and Eli... He is phenomenally cute, is all I can say.
Anonymous said…
Enjoy the boredom! Take it while you will be over with soon. A school break is bound to creep up on you!
Amy said…
SO ADORABLE! I'm so proud of you all!!!

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