And I Can Justify it By Saying It's a Valentine's Present...

Sim and I really aren't that big into presents. Once you get married it's all "our money" anyway. And I know how much of "our money" is in the bank, so fancy schmancy presents are out of the question anyway.

Besides, if any of you know me personally, I don't exactly scream high maintenance. The last jewelry I regularly wore was a nice little stud that Noah yanked out of my nose at 13 months old.

Haven't really seen the point in it since then.

But I just HAD to buy myself a present this afternoon. I called up Sim just let to him know that I was buying myself a Valentine's Day present TO me FROM him.

Would you like to know what was so pressing that I just had to buy it ASAP?

Ahhh, yes. Can you guess what type of things we're going through right now??

I'm thinking about buying Sim a set of ear plugs and a bottle of Advil.

And you thought romance was dead!


C said…
Four more days.

You know....this is amazing!! All day my husband and I have been feeling like there is no hope for our lives. THANK YOU!! We have been dealing with MASSIVE dicipline issues!!!! Not just one...but TWO GIRLS!! I truly believe God said, "I think I will send Kari your will save not only her marriage....but a prison sentence!! I WILL be buying those books tomorrow. They give me hope!! ((SMILE))

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