What does a dinosaur have in common with autism?

We were driving Nandi to preschool yesterday and Eli piped up in the back...

"Mom, did you know that my Dinosaur, Little Tikes, has what Noah and Nandi have?"

(Yes, his dinosaur is named Little Tikes... because, you know, that's what it says right there on his leg.)

"Really? Your dinosaur has cerebral palsy?"

"Yeah, it can't talk."


"Eli, honey. Noah can't talk because he has autism."


"Oh. Well Little Tikes has autism. He can't talk. His batteries are running down and he doesn't roar anymore."

Fair enough.

"Sweetie, you know that Nandi doesn't have autism, right?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Then how is your dinosaur like Nandi?"

"It has an attidude."

Smart kid.


C said…
LOVE that Eli.

Wish we could see you guys at Christmas, but we're making a super fast trip to south Tejas and back. Will stop at my parents' only briefly - there and back. No one will be allowed to visit us unless they bring a therapist ... or lots of alcohol ... or both! :)
hydra12 said…
That is classic!
junglemama said…
How cute!

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