How To Teach Basic Math to a 5 Year Old Dinosaur Lover

Take one T-Rex dinosaur

Add one Oviraptor (egg-stealing) dinosaur

Add one nest of T-rex dinosaur eggs (technically, T-Rex didn't lay eggs in a nest, but it's okay)

Finally, add one pair of dice

Roll the dice and have 5-year old count the number it landed on. Add that number of eggs to T-Rex's nest.

Have 5 year old roll the dice and subtract said number from T-Rex's nest. (Oviraptor steals them)

T-Rex realizes that some of her eggs are missing

T-Rex - being the fiercest dinosaur in the whole word - attacks and kills oviraptor and reclaims her stolen eggs.

Count how many eggs are now in T-Rex's nest. It should be the original number she started with. Roll dice, rinse, and repeat.

We also have similar games for a 4 year old- dog lover who is learning to count.

And a 7 year old who likes to steal pillows from everyone's room.


Anonymous said…
That is so stinkin' creative!
julie said…
Wow......I love it! We'd like to put in orders for Nascar two-digit add/subtract, and Superhero Subtraction, please ;)

Great job, Teacher Mom!
sandwichinwi said…
Wow! Good for you! I stink at felt boards.

I'm good with cheerios, though.

Dreama said…
Cute, Cute, Cute!!!

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