You're Invited to a Virtual Baby Shower!

My friend Amy - you know, Amy who takes the awesome pictures and who has 7 kids and has an amazing blog and is just an amazing person - you know, THAT Amy - well, she's expecting again.

This time it's FIVE.

Yep, you heard me. Five.

As in 7 + 5 = 12.

Isn't that awesome?!

Angel at The Voice of Adventure has done an amazing blog post today about Amy and her new family and has put up a paypal button for donations. Seriously, you've got to check out her post because it's really wonderful.

I tell you, that is one GORGEOUS family.

And well-behaved,too. Please share your secret, Amy. I have at least two kids who could benefit. :-)

So do yourself a favor and head on over to Angel's blog . It'll put a smile on your face.


Anonymous said…
Wow! 12 kids. That is so awesome! I checked out Angel's blog and I would love to help out Amy's family soon. Thanks for letting everybody know about the opportunity!
Dreama said…
Hey, I've been meaning to tell you that I love the new blog look!!!!
Michelle Riggs said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle Riggs said…
I love reading your blog. GREAT new look.

Thanks for speading the word about Amy and for praying for Abby.

I added you to my "Follower" list, so I won't miss a post.

Sorry about the deleted comment. I repalced my comment with the letters on the word verification. Hmmm.
Anonymous said…
Please give a BIG congrats to Amy and her beautiful family! I am so happy for them.What a blessing those beautiful children will be to her family and also what a blessing the family will be to them.Thanks also for letting us know how we can be a part of helping bring these children to their new home.

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