Ten Things Tuesday

I'm going to be honest. I didn't want to blog today. I haven't blogged in the last few days. Frankly, it has been a very rough week.

Noah has had a HORRIFIC stomach virus. Enough said.

Nandini has been running a 102.5 temperature for a few days now and is whiny, whiny, whiny - but still manages to fight with her brother every second of the day.

Eli still manages to fight with Nandini every second of the day.

And we have seen some behaviors emerge that I thought we had finally taken care of.

I actually put myself in time-out yesterday because I thought I'd otherwise explode.

Where's the Mother of the Year Award?

Anyway, I just haven't wanted to blog. But then I read Shara's blog today. Every Tuesday she does a blog post about 10 things that she's thankful for that week- and, I thought, you know maybe I should do that.

Did you know that when you're in a big, bad, funk that it's actually hard to think of 10 things (besides the usual health, home, and family)? But, aren't you curious to know if my mood improves by the time I get to 10?

So, here's my Ten Things Thankful Tuesday list. I'm thankful that....

1. Sim is able to get Thursday off so that we can all go to Austin for Noah's birthday as a family.

2. I was able to buy the most adorable dress for Nandini to wear to my cousin's wedding - and it was an excellent price! (Big Going Out of Business Sale!)

3. Eli slept in until 7:00 this morning - and didn't get up at his usual 5:30.

4. We were able to buy Abby a care package and my kids did not throw a temper tantrum in the store because they wanted to keep it for themselves.

5. Abby's story has really touched Eli and he specifically asks to pray for her during each meal. (Someone once told me that I needed to "get" another child because Eli was not a caring person. It has been a blessing to see him develop into a loving little boy.)

6. After living here for two years I've found a really good friend.

7. My dad is going to watch the kids this Saturday so that my mom and I can go to my cousin's wedding shower in Arlington.

8. I have a wonderful and amazing husband who rubbed my shoulders during the entire hour and a half of Dancing with the Stars last night. Nandi was sleeping. Eli was playing. Noah was rolling around on the floor with pillows. And I got a fantastic shoulder rub. It was a great way to end a stressful day.

9. Even though I haven't done a proper grocery shop in ages I still have enough food in my pantry to fix breakfast this morning.

10. That I visited Shara's blog this morning and read her Ten Things Tuesday list because it inspired me to write my own. And, you know what, I DO feel a bit better.

Now, if anyone knows how to handle the 5 year old rolling on the floor and whining because he's "HUNGRY! AND YOU TAKE TOO LONG ON THE COMPUTER!" then I could add a #11 to my list.

I guess I'll get off the computer and fix him breakfast. :-)



Anonymous said…
I love doing this list every week because it makes me realize I have so much to be thankful for. It's always easy for me to find things to complain about, but I always have things to be thankful for as well. I hope y'all have an awesome time for Noah's birthday!! Happy Birthday Noah!!
Happy birthday to Noah. I just found your blog today from Abby's site. I'm so glad I did.
Dreama said…
Leslie, you could blog about potatoes and it would be an enjoyable post!!! Have a wonderful time in Austin!!
hydra12 said…
I feel for you, sis! I was grateful that for the past two nights (almost the first since she came home), Alaina slept all the way through the night instead of coming into our room 2-3 times throughout the night. One night, it was 4 times! All after 1:00.

BTW, I think Eli is a very loving kid!
sandwichinwi said…
Of course, you already know I appreciated this post. :D

Yes, let's hear your thoughts on potatoes.

CC said…
Hi there! I just found you from Sandwich's blog! I'm a adoptive mommy too and a Speech Pathologist. I have lots of posts about Autism. Great to "meet" you!

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