The WHAT Fairy???

Okay, I know that it seems that I'm always posting Eli stories - but you have to understand. Eli is my only fully verbal kid, so it's easier to blog about the funny things he says.

So, anyway. He woke up this morning in a foul mood. Let me tell you... he was SULKING. I just sort of waited it out because he's not a morning person anyway and normally needs about 30 minutes before he turns into an approachable person. So, I sit down at the computer and he comes up to me and thrusts a toenail in my face.

A toenail.

A nasty ol' toenail.

And he's mad because apparently he lost it last night and stuck it under his pillow for "The Toenail Fairy" to come and get it - and she never came.

That kid will do anything for a quarter.

Seriously. What's next? Pick a scab and get a visit from the Scab Fairy? Lose a strand of hair and place it under your pillow for the Hair Fairy? What about the Booger Fairy? Is she supposed to pay a visit, too? 'Cuz I don't think I have enough quarters for that one.

He hasn't even lost a tooth yet. He only knows about the Tooth Fairy because Noah lost two teeth a few weeks ago.

I'm thinking a quarter is too much. Eli has a bunch of teeth. I don't know how many -but it sure looks like a lot. I think he must have twice as many as most kids have.

That's a lot of cash right there.

I think we're going to have to downgrade to a penny. Or maybe just a hug and a kiss.

And besides... who came up with the bright idea of a Tooth Fairy anyway?? Because now my kid thinks there's a fairy for every situation in the world.

Oooh, I know. Maybe I can just not give any quarters under the pillow. I can say that The Toenail Fairy swiped the quarter that the Tooth Fairy left and now all the Fairies are in a big fight and have declared strike. And then the strike can get called off after my youngest child looses her last tooth - which will be in about 6 years.

Yeah. Yeah. Maybe I'll try that.



sandwichinwi said…
Youngest child loses her last tooth in about 6 years? Huh? What?

I forked over 50 cents last year when my oldest was ELEVEN! Those puppies keep falling out for a long, long time!

Although, I have to say, since the 7 yo asked if the Tooth Fairy was, you know, r-e-a-l (actually, she said REAL, right in front of her 5 yo-hasn't-lost-any-teeth brother) the TF has not made an appearance at our house. Even since the 9 yo lost a tooth 3 weeks ago.

Still no cash. Hmmmm.....

I hope never to meet the Booger Fairy. Ewww! Probably shouldn't worry though. My kids don't wipe 'em, they eat 'em. bleh.

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