My New Favorite Blog

Ya'll have really got to check this blog out:

Postcards from Insanity: One Foster Mom's Journey Through the System

It is the funniest thing I've ever read. Well, it's not all funny - it deals with serious stuff - but the blogger is hysterical and has such a way with words. I know her from another list I'm on and have to keep everything anonymous - but her journey through the fostercare system makes for great reading. It's like a suspense novel - she blogs another piece of the journey each day and I just sit at the computer waiting for her to update.

You have to go back to the very beginning of her blog to catch up. But she only started blogging in April, so it won't take too long. And it'll be well worth it. I promise.



Anonymous said…
thanks for sharing this gem of a website.....she is sidesplitting hysterical, but yet deep...very deep. from rachel mom to the other beautiful girl born in india whose name starts with N (for Nilam!) and her four siblings isaiah, anya, aiden, and josie...dont want anyone to feel left out!!!

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