A Rough Week

It's been a week since I last posted. I know that I promised I wouldn't let so much time go by before updating the blog, but last week was pretty horrible. I'm sorry if you've emailed me privately and I haven't responded yet. I'm just really exhausted and feeling a bit down. I honestly didn't realize how much hard it would be here by myself. Major kudos to all you single mom and dads out there. I don't know how you do it!

Noah's still shrieking like a banshee. I wish I knew what was up with him. He's acting completely different than he has before. I'm pretty positive that he's moving metals out, but I sure hate the behaviors that go along with it. We did find out that the steroids that he's been taking were stuck in his stomach. Noah really just can't detox anything. We even need to do a rotation diet with him because if he has too much of any one thing, it builds up in his body and causes a reaction. That's what happened with the steroids. Noah started getting constipated and was doing a #2 every three days. I suspected that the steroids were stuck somewhere in his body and Dr. Foley found it in his stomach. He cleared it and wouldn't you know that Noah's done 11 - yes 11 - poos in the last three days. And they are sooooooooo gross. I'm surprised that the CDC hasn't been called out to our apartment due to the rank smell that's escaping under the doorway. Ugh.

Tamara's making us go super strict on his diet. It's my fault, really. I just hate the diet so much. And Noah is really aware of what other people are eating - which means we either have to eat away from him or we all eat the same thing. And I'm a chips & salsa kind of girl. That's the one food I reach for when I'm stressed (besides chocolate, of course - which Noah also can't have), but Noah's allergic to corn and tomatoes tear his stomach up. I've cheated a lot recently with wheat and gluten and would give him chicken nuggets and things like that if they were organic and if the wheat was organic. I guess I've finally realized that just because it's organic doesn't necessarily mean that it's good for you. So I actually broke down and cried in Wild Oats yesterday. I haven't cried in a grocery store since we first started the diet 3 years ago. But I was super vigilent about reading the ingredients and sooooooo many gluten free things have corn flour or potato flour in them. And he's allergic to both.

He has come around a bit to eating my cooking. Not loads of it, but some. I made some awesome sweet potato, kale, and walnut patties coated in rice flour - but he wouldn't touch them. He wouldn't eat my GF (gluten free) cookies, and it took him two days before he decided to try one of my GF pancakes. But he has decided he likes them - thank goodness. But he won't eat the parsnip or sweet potato fries. However, he ate almost an entire cauliflower sauteed in butter and rice crumbs tonight - yea!!. (Organic butter is the only dairy he can have).

I'm trying to think of what else has been going on. We found out that he's having problems with olive oil, so we've taken him off that. His skin is getting better, but it's finally starting to scab over - which makes it really itchy, so, of course, he's starting to scratch which makes it worse. It we could just get him past the scab part, I think we'd be okay. I think we've removed him from the environment that was causing the skin to get so bad, but we're having a rough time with his skin actually healing.

We're going home this Friday and will be back for a week. Eli has dental surgery, so we need to get his physical and then check him into Children's on Wednesday. I'm nervous about going home. I hope both boys do well, but I think it'll be harder on them once we have to leave and come back to TN. It'll be interesting, though, to see if anyone thinks that Noah's made progress while we've been gone. I can't really tell. I think I'm too tired and probably over-analyzing it all, etc. Anyway, it'll be good to be home for a few days and see Sim and my parents - and to maybe catch up on some much needed sleep!

We just completed our 10th session today and we've completed 9 BRT/NAET sessions. We're a 1/4 through! Can't wait to see what happens with the next 20.

Will keep you all posted!

Noah's Mom


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