I have to admit, I broke every single one of my New Year's Resolutions (most on the second day!) except for one... staying off the computer.   I don't know how I've managed it, but I have and it's weird and exhilarating, and lonely all at the same time.

But that's for another post.

Right now, I want to let you know that some amazing things have happened on the adoption front.

FIRST... we received Naveen's NOC from Ind*a. It took four months to the day, but, by george, it came.

SECOND... since our judge is requiring two trips to Ind*a, we are *expecting* our first trip to be in about 6-8 weeks. Yay! And yikes! So much to take care of in the meantime..

THIRD... I attempted a fundraiser and it was a disaster. I won't go into it right now, but let's just say it involved trying to make glass tile necklaces only to have them accidentally get  knocked off the table while they were drying and they ended up getting dog hair and dirt in the glue.

Please tell me you didn't just cringe at the thought of dog hair and dirt being on our kitchen floor. We can't be friends if your floors sparkle...

FOURTH AND FINALLY.... my  friend Meredith has come to the rescue. Okay, if you don't know Meredith, you have to read her blog. She's hilarious and is my long lost soul sister. I've actually never met her in real life, but we connected because we're both adopting from India and she's been a constant rock through our long NOC wait.

And even though she's adopting, too, and having to raise funds herself, she has made 5 super cute hand knit ear warmer/head bands that she's selling to help us with Naveen's adoption fund. Funny, talented, and completely selfless.  Love her!

Anyway, she's selling the ear warmer/head bands for $20 and that includes shipping.  She made five, but one already sold. If you're interested, please leave a comment on her blog and she'll get back to you.  You can click HERE to find out more.

Also, I want to give a big shout-out to Lily who is the gorgeous model in these photos. Thank you, Lily!


No Greater Love said…
YOU are the one who is so incredibly kind! I don't know what I would without you cheering me on by pointing me to Jesus....or by making me laugh so incredibly hard I forget what even made me sad in the first place!!!!

But, I'm sorry to say, that although I am SO VERY PROUD of you for keeping your New Year's resolution, I'm SELFISHLY not a huge fan of it, cause I miss you like crazy. :)

By the way, I think we have sold 3 headbands so far....your friends rock!
heather said…
Congratulations on your NOC! Yes! That's a huge milestone. Now you'll be meeting him in just 6-8 weeks!

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