
Showing posts from November, 2011

Do Everything

Today, I asked Noah what he wanted to be when he grows up and he spelled out D-O-C-T-O-R.  I asked him what kind and he spelled out A-U-T-I-S-M. Then he spelled out C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N.   I said, "You want to be a doctor who works with children who have autism?"  and he spelled out Y-E-S.  Then he spelled out I G-O  T-O  C-O-L-L-E-G-E and looked at me as if it were a question. And though my heart was breaking, I said, "Of course you'll go to college! But you'll have to work really hard." And the truth is... I don't know what will happen 8 years from now. Or 18. Or 28. Maybe he WILL go to college one day.  Maybe there will be a cure. Maybe we'll find a way to continue to tap into his potential and he'll be the first nonverbal/autistic college graduate in the world. Maybe he'll talk! I have no doubt that he'll make a mark on this world. But as his mom, I want ALL his dreams to come true. Not just the little ones, but the big ones, too.  An...

Naveen Update

Well, the cat's out of the bag. If you read Lori's post about the Coffee Fundraiser, then you know that we're adopting a little boy from Ind*a. And we're naming him Naveen. I still can't give a lot of identifying information... and, boy, do I wish I could post his picture. You'll just want to reach through the computer and squeeze him up. He's adorable!  But I have to wait until we pass court to do any of that.  And right now we don't know when  that'll be. Because of the fundraiser, I had to break my vow of silence and announce Naveen's upcoming adoption on my Facebook page. I was hoping to keep it a secret until right before travel, but things happened which made us need to fundraise... and well, that's why we had to be a bit more open about things. Anyway, I've had a lot of people email me or call me with questions. So I thought I'd answer some of them right here. 1. Why are you adopting from Ind*a again? Well, we actua...

Did someone say Coffee?

Ok so it's Lori here--not Leslie. I have hijacked her blog to tell you about an awesome fundraiser to help their exceptional family add another wonderful little boy to the mix. Leslie is the type of person who goes above and beyond for everyone else... I mean have you seen her passion for Central America that turned her into an overnight doll maker to raise funds for beds for a poor family in Guatemala? Did you recently participate in the auction for Sarah's Covenant Homes? That was the brain child of Leslie. Those are only two examples of how Leslie goes out of her way for everyone else.  I mean all you have to do is read thru her blog and see the fantastic way she and her husband are working their tails off for their children at home and their little cutie in India. Now it's our turn to love on her family.   India is currently going through some changes in their adoption policies. Along with changes means more money is needed to ...

Popsicles & Bandaids Make Everything Better

I posted this on Facebook - sorry for the repeat if you've already seen it..... *********************************************************************** Photo courtesy of Whole Foods Market    Eli is sick today and Nandi doesn't feel well, so I thought I'd better see how Noah was feeling, too... "How are you feeling Noah?" S-I-C-K "You feel sick?" Y-E-S "Where does it hurt?" N-O-S-E "Does anything else hurt?" S-T-O-M-A-C-H "I'm so sorry. Would a pospsicle make it better?" Y-E-S "What flavor?" N-O-T G-R-A-P-E "Okay, orange or cherry?" O-R-A-N-G-E 5 minutes later... "Do you feel better now?" N-O "What would make you feel better?" B-A-N-D-A-D-E "A bandaid would make you feel better?" Y-E-S "But you're not bleeding." N-O "But it'll make you feel better?" Y-E-S "What kind of Bandaid?...

He's Not a Dinosaur

Me - Noah, what do you want to talk about today? Noah -    I-N-O-T-T-A-L-K Me - I know you can't "talk", but you know what I mean. What do you want to talk about? Noah -  I-N-O-T-T-A-L-K Me -  O-kay. What do you want to spell then? Noah -  I-N-O-T-T-A-L-K Me - Hmmm.... so you can't talk, huh? Noah -  N-O Me-  Okay, so tell me one thing that I need to know about you. Just one thing. And I'll leave you alone. Deal? Noah - Y-E-S Me-  So what's the one thing I get to know about you today? Noah-  I-N-O-T-A-D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R Me - Really. You're not a dinosaur? Noah -  N-O. Me - Good to know. Noah - Y-E-S Me-  Are you having a laugh? Noah-  Y-E-S Me - Do you think you're funny? Noah - Y-E-S Me- Yeah, you're pretty funny. =)