6 Month Gotcha! And Pictures

6 months!! Can you believe it?? I'm not kidding when I say that I sat down at the table Saturday morning and spent a good 30 minutes staring into oblivion while mulling over the fact that November 4th was Naveen's 6 month Gotcha Day.

6 months!! Where'd the time go?

So much has happened and things are just so crazy busy that I don't get a chance to blog much anymore. I have great intentions of being a super consistent blogger, but the fact that I have commitment issues, plus the fact that feeling pressured to write everyday stresses me out, means that I end up constructing a ton of blog posts in my head, but rarely type them out onto the computer.

So, here's a quick bullet list of what's been going on, followed by pictures!

  • Naveen had surgery on October 12 to repair his right kidney. Knock on wood, we think it worked! We go back next Tuesday to his see both his urologist and nephrologist for a follow-up.
  • Naveen's completely regressed in almost all areas since the surgery. He's no longer potty-trained (hello expensive pullups!), is still sleeping in our bed, while Sim occupies the couch, has practically zero appetite, and is very clingy
  • Prior to the surgery, though, he was coming around and starting to feel more comfortable around Sim and our family
  • Still turns his head away from strangers who try to talk to him when we're out in public. He subscribes to the philosophy that if he can't see you, then you don't exist!
  • Has become a master at manipulating the iPad and our Roku.
  • Thinks he's the same age as Nandi and Eli and LOVES to rough house
  • Has calmed down loads and is no longer pulling books off the shelf, flooding the kitchen, or emptying tubes of toothpaste in his hair
  • LOVES to help me fold laundry, empty the dishwasher, and put clothes into the dryer (can I clone him??)
  • Loves Barney. Way too much.
  • Is speaking in 4-5 word sentences, although his articulation is still iffy.
  • REFUSES to say his name. Won't say Naveen or Aashish. Seriously, what's with that?
  • LOVES shoes. The boy is a shoe-a-holic. I think he spent way too many years wearing pink Hello Kitty ones in the orphanage. He's a little fashion horse, too.
  • Doesn't play with toys and prefers real things... like brooms and cups and rubberbands.
  • Can put my hair into a ponytail! And loves to brush my hair.
  • Cries for at least 30 minutes first thing every morning. Okay, cries is an understatement. This boy SCREAMS and kicks and flails first thing every morning. But after that, he calms down and is good as gold for the rest of the day.
  • Loves to dance. Prefers rap music (blech) and is very opinionated about what he wants to listen to in the car. But I'm also opinionated about what I want to listen to in the car, so he's learning to get over it.
  • Is pretty much the biggest blessing in the world and I'm serious when I say that not a day goes by when I don't think how lucky I am to be his mommy. I just feel unbelievably blessed.
In other news...

  • I've met with the school twice about N & E. Both are in tutoring, but the school refused to do learning disability testing on either one of them.
  • Report cards came out last week and one is failing math and the other is failing reading
  • We did private learning disability testing, plus some psychological testing for one child and will get the results on Thursday
  • Contemplating on having reading testing done on the other child. ($750 smackeroos!!)
  • Hospital bills, birthdays, Christmas coming up, and lots of testing... I think Dave Ramsey is going to kick us to the curb.
  • I am one room away from having the house CLEAN and organized. AND.. it's stayed this way for a week. That is certainly cause to celebrate.
  • We're two chapters away from finishing the 3rd Percy Jackson books with Noah. He doesn't want to finish the series right because he says they're not interesting. Say what??
  • Noah's skin is breaking out again and he's having more meltdowns. I worry about him.
I know there's a lot more, but I can't think off the top of my head right now. Noah's crying in the other room, so I need to post these pictures and get off here. Hopefully I won't take so long to post next time...


Peter and Nancy said…
Oooh -- I love all the family pictures! And I just want to cheer you on for you diligence in being a tireless advocate for your kids! You are doing a great job making sure they get what they need, and enjoying them along the way. Three cheers for the Mom!
No Greater Love said…
Love the pictures..... :o) And as long as Dave Ramsey is kicking you to the curb, why don't you get Sim to buy you a plane ticket to come visit.
Amanda said…
I really can't believe its been 6 months. Seems like forever to me. Varsha is doing good. She won't look me in the eyes lots of days and gives hugs to random strangers still. . I'm worried the same about Ananya. She won't stop hitting. She keeps picking on Prasun and makes Varsha cry a couple times a week. Last night she kept Varsha up past 11 (went to bed at 8) and she was awake and out of bed at 445. Woke Varsha up too.
I knew the first 6 months would be really hard. I was right. I also knew we would have to keep pushing because a 9 year old has a LONG adjustment.
Heather said…
OMG! They're all so adorbs.
Anonymous said…
I'm an adoptive mother of two babies from Africa...and I realize there are probably two camps divided on this issue, but please rethink the term 'gotcha.' I've read so many blogs written by those who are adopted and they abhor the term--it sounds like snatched or kidnapped. This is just a friendly suggestion, not trying to be rude. Honestly, until I read adoptees opinions on the term I hadn't thought it through either...
Sara said…
Oh Poor Naveen, Sweet Potato always regressed after surgery. I try to see it as an opportunity to achieve more bonding. Hey just think You didn't HAVE to regress him on purpose...
I'm so not happy with your school have you talked to your S.W. about this? She may have the pull you need.

As to anonymous, um thanks for the input, ever notice no matter what words they use if they feel bad about being adopted they still hate the words. I read one blog dissing the word "birth" parent, another dissing the word "biological" parent... Will we ever please all the people all the time? Ya like that is gonna happen..

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