Just a Quick Update

I can't believe it's been a whole month since I last blogged. Things have been crazy busy around here, but thought I'd pop in and give a quick update.

Summers are pretty rough for us due to our family dynamics. Nandi thrives on structure, Eli abhors it, Noah could spend all day spinning Tupperware lids on his his knees, and Naveen wakes up with an agenda to see how much he can destroy! haha   And then, of course, Nandi and Eli are like oil and water. They both compete for my attention and have pretty explosive tempers. And when you add a child who has severe autism, plus a newly adopted three year old who acts three so incredibly well....  well.... you get the drift. It's been kind of rough 'round these parts.

The end is in sight, though, with school starting up again on the 27th. Nandi and Eli are both in public school, with Nandi going into 2nd grade and Eli into 3rd. Public school has it's drawbacks for sure - and the hours of 3.30 - bedtime are usually disastrous, but it will give me several hours in the day to devote my time solely to Noah and Naveen (who both desperately need it!!!).  Once N & E come home, nothing else gets accomplished for the whole day.

We're headed to Austin in a few weeks so that Noah can work with Soma at HALO. We'll just be there a few days, but the kids are looking forward to it. A pool AND cable TV in the hotel? They think they're at Disney. I'm so glad that it takes so little to please them at this age.

This summer has also been full of doctor's appointments. Nandi, Eli, and Noah are all in OT. Nandi's had her ears checked. Turns out she can hear... she's just been ignoring us. I pretty much suspected it, but wanted to be sure.  She hit her head and had to go to the ER last month. They ran a CT scan, which was normal (except for her brain cyst). Still paying off that bill...

Eli goes on Wednesday to get his eyes checked. Naveen had some sort of kidney tests run a few weeks ago. They had to sedate them and we were there for ages. He goes to the nephrologist on the 13th for the results. That same day, Noah will get his new Neurodevelopment evaluation through A Hope and A Future .

AND... Naveen's bloodwork, urine, and stool tests all came back. He tested positive for parasites. *Shudder*  Which reminds me that I keep forgetting to pick up his Flagyl from CVS.

Sim and I have just started doing the Dave Ramsey program. Our goal is to be credit card free by my 40th birthday, which is next August. Considering that we financed an entire adoption on our credit card(s), we have a looooong way to go. It was worth it, but now that the kids are getting older, their bills are getting more expensive. Nandi's cavity from last month set us back over $200. For one baby tooth that's going to fall out eventually.  Anyway, our budget is tight. I've always wondered how other parents of children with special needs do it. We are definitely starting to feel the pinch. All the kids need a variety of therapies and we don't qualify for SSI.... so, we're just going to buckle down and do it. A couple of years of hard work will pay off in the long term, and we really do need to start thinking about our future. To tell you how serious I am about it, I have held off on buying hair dye and gave my mom my birthday wish list for next month - hair dye, conditioner, and face moisturizer.  I'm currently moisturizing my face with the same lavender baby lotion that I slather on Naveen's butt!

Okay, so this is possibly the most boring blog post ever. A total ramble. But nothing exciting 's been going on. Naveen is doing great. He's soooo three!! He has a bit of a temper and is definitely exerting his independence. He's still firmly attached to me and doesn't care much for Sim or my parents (much to their dismay). Our social worker comes at the end of the month for our 2nd post placement visit, so we'll run through some ideas with her.

Nandi broke my camera, so I don't have any pictures to show, but if I can figure out how to get them out of the camera and onto the computer, I'll post some.  And hopefully not wait so long to update again! Who knows, maybe when school starts up, my sense of humor and personality will come back?! =)  I hope so!


No Greater Love said…
Hey...you forgot to add how you are moving to Colorado....how Sim was so excited about the fish and chips place that we have here, that he has already starting packing.... And you forgot to post about how White Collar is now on Netflix, so you have purpose again for your life. Geez...I should write your blog posts for you. :)

I love you, Leslie!

Hang in there...summer is almost over.

And I am only a phone call away....waiting to tell you how I forgot to do laundry again, so I am going ******
Anonymous said…
HAha mer!!!! She may be a phone call away, but I'm a lunch away while you are here in Austin!!!! My crew can helkp destroy everything, and we can raid the pool's towell supply!
Brad and Renae said…
I LOVE your posts - real, funny... (although I know at times you aren't laughing)... it's always funny when it's someone else, right.... lavender is supposed to be great for your skin :) But you do have an amazing sense of humor - I've been thinking and praying for you wondering how things are going.... looks like things are great :)
yellowgirl said…
i use lavender lotion that my little girl conconcted (coconut oil, basil leaves, and lavender hand lotion) on my face too. it's awesome! blessings on you and your precious children.

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