It's the simple things...

Okay, so he's not playing with pine cones or counting seashells or bundling freshly gathered twigs from a nature walk.... 

They're not fair trade or organic or environmentally friendly...

They're not harvested from wood and sculpted into shape by indigenous tribes in the Amazon....

And I didn't buy them from some eco-friendly catalogue for fifty bucks a pop...

But these leftover styrofoam cups that he found in the back of our pantry have become his favorite toy.

And you can't put a price on that!

P.S. Thanks for all the kind remarks on my messy house! lol  Wait until I show you the before and afters of Naveen's bedroom! 


Sarah said…
Oh my! He is just too cute!
No Greater Love said…
You are too funny! And so witty. :)
Kelly said…
This one had me laughing, because I sometimes think that I should be just like the hipster moms. The fact is I'm not, and while I enjoy their blogs I'm living in suburbia, and running my yukon all over town for 4 kids. I'll grow food in my garden, and hang my clothes to dry, but I'll also sit down with my kids and watch the latest tivo'd whatever with them. Keep it real Leslie. (And as a teacher I'll tell you, that Naveen is just demonstrating an amazing amount of creativity).
Brad and Renae said…
Love seeing a little glimpse of Naveen being home. I agree with Sarah - he is just too cute! And you can just see his little mind is just ticking away :)
sandwichinwi said…
Look how long his hair is getting!
My kids love boxes the best! I often remark that I could buy them boxes instead of presents. lol

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