Thinking of Stopping By Unannounced?

I love having people come over... but, I have to be honest.... PLEASE do not come over unannounced.

I have four kids under the age of 10, so if you pop by without calling first, you will definitely see the following -
1. I most likely will still be in my pajamas
2. I might not have brushed my teeth
3. And I definitely won't be wearing a bra

4. My three year old, in the tradition of all three year old boys, will most likely be naked


5. My ten year old, who also abhors clothes, will probably be walking around in just a pull-up. While he feels comfortable walking around like that around his family, please give me time to dress him before you come over.

If you come over mid-morning, you might see the remnants of our breakfast still lying around and you'll soon discover that

6. My 7 year old ate leftover potato soup for her morning meal


7.  My 8 year old had half a bag of pretzels

But the real reason I don't want you to come over unannounced is because I'll need plenty of time to clear up this...

and this

and this

Gotta make sure I pick up part of that Christmas tree, ya know!

And since our house is small, you won't be able to miss getting a glimpse of our kitchen....

That mess right there is how I was able to cook supper the other night...

And this mess is what happened when I made lunch...

Be careful where you sit.... a certain someone might have poured dog biscuits onto a chair

And you really do need to give me plenty of time to make myself presentable. Otherwise, you might encounter this...

Or this....

All evidence of one of Naveen's current passions... Playing Makeover with Mommy.

So now that you know why I really do need time to get things in order before you stop by, please feel free to  come over anytime!  

I just need a couple months' notice.... that's all. 

ETA - I just had to add this last picture. I just called my friend Meredith to tell her that I actually posted pictures of my dirty house on my blog and when I got off the phone, I found this...

I had just cleaned up our entry way and hallway before calling her (we actually have guests coming over in an hour! Yikes!) and now it's a mess again.

We may be messy and a bit unorganized, but no one can ever accuse us of being unpredictable!


Peter and Nancy said…
God bless you for posting these photos! My house also gets, um, chaotic -- and I have come to grips with the idea that the people who love me can see my in my natural habitat. :o)

Also, new moms get a free 6-month pass on housework, in my book!
_ said…
Fine. I'll cancel my trip! :( And I'm sure Nancy has the best of intentions, but new moms get an 18 year pass on housework is how I interpret the law. :)
Heather said…
Too funny.
No Greater Love said…
Hee hee hee....I love this! And I especially love the pictures of you. I put a pic of me in a bathing suit on my blog. You'll have to look! ;)

Let's talk soon, so you can get some more funny pictures to put on the blog.

Oh...and I am SO coming by unannounced when I finally do come. :)
Miche said…
I love it :)
paul-and-lori said…
And this is why, even though I have not met you in person I just cannot help but love you!
Anonymous said…
HAHA! Love the honesty! LOVE it!
J said…
Oh, my, love your honesty! Your kids are so lucky. You have a wonderful sense of humor!
Brad and Renae said…
I love a messy house -- it shows that we are real, don't need to impress, and care more about our kids and family than what others might think..... I actually worked from home earlier this week and got so involved in work it was 11 am and in my nightgown ...when a neighbor stopped by to see if Joshua wanted to go to the park -- (he wasn't dressed either) talk about embarrassed :)

But I love the mommy makeover idea :) - great bonding!

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