My Life is Complete


Heather said…
Yay! Big congrats!
Leanne said…
oh!!!! Instant happy tears....he is beautiful.
Sarah said…
Oh my goodness gracious!!!! That picture is priceless. What a beautiful boy (and beautiful mom!). I am so, so happy for you!!!
Anna said…
oh happy day! Doing the snoopy happy dance for you!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh, Leslie! Yay, God! Thank you, Jesus for what you've doing for Leslie and Ian Naveen and the whole family!

He's BEAUTIFUL, and so are you!

Lisa H.
Jane said…
Born in your heart he is forever in your arms. What a blessing.
Last Mom said…
I am so happy for you!!!! Hurray!
Karla in MN said…
Beautiful! We adopted from India in 2003! Our beautiful Josy has some RAD issues, methinks...we have sought counseling with her. Our Precious Sanjay died one year ago February 25th and we miss his sweet smile and goofy boy ways every day. You can go to Caring Bridge and search Sanjay Baca to read about him, and his trials during a bone marrow transplant in which we were hoping for a cure for his Thalassemia Major...
:)De said…
He is beautiful. Big Congrats to you all!

No Greater Love said…
Woooohoooooo!!!!!!!! :o) Beautiful...absolutely beautiful.
Anonymous said…
I dont understand how you get all the cute ones.......... God must really love you!! Cant wait to smother him.
Beth Anne said…
What a darling, so happy for you!
Congratulations, I'm very happy for you.

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