Year End Review in Pictures - Part 1

Happy 2012!!

I saw how other bloggers did a year-end review on their blog, and I thought about doing one yesterday, but that would've meant posting THREE times in one day. And since I've posted maybe a handful in the last year, I thought it might be overkill.

Plus, I was too embarrassed because then everyone would know that I did absolutely nothing yesterday except veg out and write goals about how I'm not going to do that anymore.

Which, um, I've already broken. It's 8.30am and I've nothing except fix breakfast, break up two arguments between Nandi and Eli and spent the last 30 minutes going through our pictures on Picasa bemoaning the fact that I am possibly the worst mother in the world for not taking pictures of my kids more often.

BUT... I will say with pride that I've only had one cup of coffee this morning, no gluten, and I haven't driven thru McDonald's.  Yay me!

So, without further adieu, I present OUR LIFE IN 2011 (or just snippets of it because, apparently, I never take pictures of anything, which makes it look like we did nothing).  Also known as, "I Seem to Take Lots of Pictures in the Spring, but Our Fall Falls Short".


Apparently we did nothing in January that was worth noting except go on a date night for the first time in 3 years. Actually, it was a date afternoon.  We went to Chili's and saw a movie that I can't remember. I'm thinking it was The King's Speech because I remember thinking, "A date, a restaurant, and Colin Firth? This is heaven!"


It snowed. And I took a picture of the dog instead of the kids. How's that for Mother of the Year? I think it's because I hate any temperature that dips below 50 degrees and Sim went out with the kids in the snow. I, however, had to take the dog out to do his business and must've snapped a picture. I don't remember much about it snowing, except huddling under ten blankets with a hot water bottle and crying, "Make it stop!"

I love this photo! Don't they look sweet in this picture? So deceiving.....

But precious.

MARCH 2011

March must've been an impressive month because I actually had to wean out some pictures. Here are a few...

Eli's life-long dream of going to Dino World in Glen Rose came true during Spring Break.

Noah had a breakthrough and went from stacking zero blocks on top of each other to stacking a whole tower.

We accepted Naveen's referral and became paper pregnant! And we had to take pictures for our homestudy.  I love this one of Noah!

We didn't include this one in our home study packet, but it cracks me up because it's "The Case of the Missing Legs".

APRIL 2011

April was huge, too.

Nandi had her surgery. She went from walking on the tips of her toes with her foot turned almost halfway  around, to walking flat-footed!

P.S. Isn't she GORGEOUS?

We had our first home study visit with our social worker for Naveen's adoption. The FlyLady would be so proud of our kitchen!

Sim, in a moment of "What were you thinking??!!" passed these napkins out to our social worker when we served snacks.

The kids violated poor Flynn Ryder while playing Gulliver's Travels. And I had to wash the hands of those Polly Pocket dolls. (Notice the one on the upper left side. Saucy little thing.)

Sim shaved! And I put on make-up! And curled my hair!  It got filed under "Things That Might Not Ever Happen Again", so I had to take a picture of it.

The Royal Wedding! The five of us had a Royal Wedding Tea Party and Nandi designed these hats all by herself! (I glued them, but she was the designer.)

And this concludes Part 1 because I don't want to bog anyone's computer down with too many photos. Next up, Part 2 - May - August.


Megan said…
You are just absolutely gorgeous!!! And so are your children. But seriously- what happened to your legs? :-) Happy new year!
Leveta said…
Beautiful family and I love especially the pic of Noah. I remember a few years back when he didn't like to have his picture taken and now is doing it with a smiile too.
No Greater Love said…
Love the pictures. :o)
Anonymous said…
too funny!

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